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Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Menaion - October 25
Memory of the Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius
Ee padri, himidi.
Master, give the blessing.
Mhimidiwa ni Ufalme wa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.
Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.
In peace let us pray to the Lord.
CHOIR (after each petition)
Bwana, hurumia.
Lord, have mercy.
Kwa ajili ya amani kutoka juu na ya wokovu wa roho zetu, tumwombe Bwana.
For the peace from above and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya amani ya dunia yote, na kusimama imara kwa Ekklesia Takatifu ya Mungu, na ya umoja wa wote, tumwombe Bwana.
For the peace of the whole world, for the stability of the holy churches of God, and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya nyumba hii takatifu na waingiamo kwa imani, heshima na kumcha Mungu, tumwombe Bwana.
For this holy house and for those who enter it with faith, reverence, and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya wakristo wateule na waorthodoksi wote, tumwombe Bwana.
For pious and Orthodox Christians, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya Askofu wetu mkuu Askofu wetu mkuu (jina) Makasisi, Mashemasi wateule na watu wote tumwombe Bwana.
For our Archbishop (name), for the honorable presbyterate, for the diaconate in Christ, and for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya taifa letu (jina) na raisi wetu (jina), na viongozi wetu, na wa majeshi wapendao dini, tumwombe Bwana.
For our country, the president, all those in public service, and for our armed forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya mji huu na miji yote na nchi zote na waishimo kwa imani, tumwombe Bwana.
For the Holy and Great Church of Christ, for our Sacred Archdiocese, [for this Sacred Metropolis,] for this city and parish, for every city and land, and for the faithful who live in them, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya majira mema ya mwaka kupata mvua ya kutosha na hewa safi na rotuba ya kutosha kwa ardhi, tumwombe Bwana.
For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya wasafiri hewani juu, baharini majini, na nchini kavu, wachoshwa na mateka kupata uhuru, na kwa ajili ya wokovu wao, tumwombe Bwana.
For those who travel by land, sea, and air, for the sick, the suffering, the captives and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kuokolewa kwa kila sitikiko, ghadhabu, hatari na uhitaji, tumwombe Bwana.
For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and distress, let us pray to the Lord.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.
Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana, Mungu wetu mwenye enzi yote na utukufu kupita kila ufahamu, uliye na huruma sana, tena mpenda wanadamu usiye elezeka; wewe ndiwe Bwana wa Mabwana, kulingana na huruma yote utazame sisi na hekalu hii takatifu na utupatie sisi pamoja nao tunaokuomba huruma, utajiri na rehema.
Lord, our God, whose dominion is incomparable and glory incomprehensible; whose mercy is immeasurable, and love for humankind ineffable: Look upon us and upon this holy house in Your loving-kindness, and grant to us and to those who pray with us Your abundant mercy and compassion.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa kuwa utukufu wote na heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.
For to You belong all glory, honor, and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Antifono ya 1 Sauti 2.
Antiphon 1. Mode 2.
Mstari 1:
Verse 1: It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing to Your name, O Most High. [SAAS]
Kwa maombi ya Mzazi- Mungu, Ee mwokozi, utuokoe.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us.
Mstari 2:
Verse 2: To proclaim Your mercy in the morning and Your truth at night.
Kwa maombi ya Mzazi- Mungu, Ee mwokozi, utuokoe.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us.
Mstari 3:
Verse 3: The Lord my God is upright, and there is no wrongdoing in Him.
Kwa maombi ya Mzazi- Mungu, Ee mwokozi, utuokoe.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us.
Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Kwa maombi ya Mzazi- Mungu, Ee mwokozi, utuokoe.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us.
Small Litany
Tena na tena kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.
Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.
Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Sala ya Itikio (antifono) ya 2
Ee Bwana, Mungu wetu, uwaokoe watu na ubariki uriithi wako; ilinde jamii ya Ekklisia lako; tena utakase hao wanopenda uzuri wa nyumba yako; wewe uwape utukufu kwa uweza wako wa Umungu, na usijitenge nasi tunaokutumaini wewe.
Lord, our God, save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Protect all the members of Your Church. Sanctify those who love the beauty of Your house. Glorify them in return by Your divine power, and forsake us not who have set our hope in You.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa kuwa, utawala ni kwako na ufalme na uweza, na utukufu ni vyako, Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.
For Yours is the dominion, and Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Antifono ya 2 Sauti 2.
Antiphon 2. Mode 2.
Mstari 1:
Verse 1: The Lord reigns; He clothed Himself with majesty; the Lord clothed and girded Himself with power. [SAAS]
Mstari 1:
Verse 1: Come, let us greatly rejoice in the Lord; let us shout aloud to God our savior. [SAAS]
Ee Mwana wa Mungu, utokoe sisi twakuimbia . Alleluia.
Save us, O Son of God, who are wondrous in the saints. We sing to You, Alleluia.
Mstari 2:
Verse 2: And He established the world, which shall not be moved.
Mstari 2:
Verse 2: Let us come before His face with thanksgiving, and let us shout aloud to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, a great King over all the earth.
Ee Mwana wa Mungu, utokoe sisi twakuimbia . Alleluia.
Save us, O Son of God, who are wondrous in the saints. We sing to You, Alleluia.
Mstari 3:
Verse 3: Holiness is proper to Your house, O Lord, unto length of days.
Mstari 3:
Verse 3: For in His hand are the ends of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His. For the sea is His, and He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.
Ee Mwana wa Mungu, utokoe sisi twakuimbia . Alleluia.
Save us, O Son of God, who are wondrous in the saints. We sing to You, Alleluia.
Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Uliye Mwana tena Neno la Mungu, ukiwa usiyekufa, ukakubali kwa ajili ya wokovu wetu, kupata mwili, kwa Maria Mzazi Mungu, tena Bikira daima, ukawa mtu, bila kujigeuza; na ukasulubiwa, Ee Kristo Mungu, ukakanyaga kifo kwa kifo; ukiwa mmoja wa utatu Mtakatifu, na unatukuzwa pamoja na Baba na Roho Mtakatifu, utuokoe.
Only-begotten Son and Logos of God, being immortal, You condescended for our salvation to take flesh from the holy Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary and, without change, became man. Christ, our God, You were crucified and conquered death by death. Being one of the Holy Trinity, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit: Save us.
Small Litany
Tena na tena kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.
Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.
Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Sala ya Itikio (antifono) ya 3
Ee Bwana uliyetupatia sala hizi za pamoja; uliyeahidi kwa watu wawili hata kwa hao watakao patana kwa jina lako. Kuwasikiliza na kutimiza dua zao; wewe ndiwe utimizaye dua za watumwa wako kwa faida yetu, ukitupatia ujuzi wa kujua kamili ukweli wako katika dunia hii, tena uzima wa milele katika ulimwengu utakaokuja.
Lord, You have granted us to offer these common prayers in unison and have promised that when two or three agree in Your name, You will grant their requests. Fulfill now, O Lord, the petitions of Your servants as may be of benefit to them, granting us in the present age the knowledge of Your truth, and in the age to come eternal life.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa kuwa U Mungu Mwema na mpenda wanadamu, na kwako tunatoa Utukufu, kwa Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.
For You are good and benevolent God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Antifono ya 3
Antiphon 3.
Apolytikion. For the Martyrs.
Sauti 4.
Mode 4. Come quickly.
Your Martyrs, O Lord, were worthily awarded by You * the crowns of incorruption, in that they contested for You our immortal God. * Since they possessed Your power, they defeated the tyrants, * dashing the demons’ powerless displays of defiance. * O Christ God, at their fervent entreaties, save our souls. [SD]
(Apolitikio inapoimbwa, kasisi akibeba Kitabu cha Injili anakuja kwenye Mlango Bora huku akitanguliwa na vijana waliobeba mishumaa, na kusema ombi hili kwa mnong''ono)
As the Third Antiphon is being sung (with its verses), the Priest and Deacon bow three times before the holy Table. Then the Priest gives the holy Gospel to the Deacon, who kisses the Priest’s hand as he receives it, and then circles the holy Table with the Priest following him. Preceded by altar servers holding candles and fans, they exit through the north door for the so-called Small Entrance. When there is no Deacon, the Priest takes the holy Gospel and holds it up in front of his face. When they reach the center of the church, they stop and bow their heads, and the Deacon says in a low voice:
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Tumwombe Bwana. Bwana, hurumia.
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana wa mabwana, Mungu wetu, uliyeweka mbunguni makundi ya majeshi ya Malaika, na Malaika majemadari kuadhimisha utukufu wako, ufanye kuingia kwetu kuwe pamoja na Malaika watakatifu, wanao adhimisha pamoja nasi kutoa utukufu kwa wema wako. Kwa kuwa kila utukufu, na heshima, na usujudu ni haki yako ya Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Kwa kuwa utukufu wote na heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele. Amina.
Master, Lord our God, who has established the orders and hosts of angels and archangels in heaven to minister to Your glory, grant that holy angels may enter with us, that together we may celebrate and glorify Your goodness. For to You belong all glory, honor, and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Ee padri, bariki kuingia kutakatifu.
Master, bless the holy entrance.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Kubarikiwa kuwe kuingia kwa patakatifu pako, daima sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele. Amina.
Blessed be the entrance of Your holy ones always, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
DEACON (aloud)
Hekima. Simameni wima.
Wisdom. Arise.
Wimbo wa kuingia Sauti 2.
Entrance Hymn. Mode 2.
Njooni tumsujudie, na kumwangukia, Kristo, Ee Mwana wa Mungu,
Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us, O Son of God, who are wondrous in the saints.
utokoe sisi twakuimbia . Alleluia.
We sing to You, Alleluia.
Hymns after the Entrance.
Apolytikion. For the Martyrs.
Sauti 4.
Mode 4. Come quickly.
Your Martyrs, O Lord, were worthily awarded by You * the crowns of incorruption, in that they contested for You our immortal God. * Since they possessed Your power, they defeated the tyrants, * dashing the demons’ powerless displays of defiance. * O Christ God, at their fervent entreaties, save our souls. [SD]
The Apolytikion of the parish church is sung. Then:
Kontakion for the Day. For the Cross.
Mode 4. Automelon.
Ὁ ὑψωθεὶς ἐν τῷ Σταυρῷ.
You who were lifted on the cross voluntarily, * O Christ our God, bestow Your tender compassions * upon Your new community to which You gave Your name. * Cause our faithful emperors to be glad in Your power, * granting them the victories against their adversaries. * And for an ally, Lord, may they have You, * peace as their armor, the trophy invincible. [SD]
Tumwombe Bwana.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
Lord, have mercy.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Mungu, uliye Mtakatifu, na kukaa ndani ya watakatifu; unayesifiwa na waserafi kwa sauti takatifu ya Utatu, tena waadhimishwa na waheruvi, na kusujudiwa na nguvu zote za mbinguni juu; uliyefanya vitu vyote toka bure, na vikawa. Uliye mwumba binadamu kwa sura na mfano wako, tena kumpamba kwa vipaji vyotevya neema yako. Unayempa yeyote anaye kuuliza hekima na busara, usiye mdharau mwenye dhambi, bali ulimwekea kutubu, kama njia ya wokovu; Uliye tustahilisha hata sisi watumwa wako, wanyenyekevu na wasiostahili, hata wakati huu kusimama mbele ya utukufu wa madhabahu yako matakatifu, na kukuletea kusujudu na sifa iliyo haki zako. Bwana, upokee wimbo huu wa Utatu Mtakatifu tunao utoa midomoni mwetu, sisi wanadamu wenye dhambi, na ututembelee kwa wema wako. Utusamehe kila dhambi ambayo tumeifanya kwa hiari ama kwa kutotaka, Utakase roho na miili yetu, na utustahilishe kukuabudu kwa utakatifu siku zote za maisha yetu, kwa maombi ya Mzazi-Mungu wetu mtakatifu, na ya Watakatifu wote waliokupendeza tangu milele.
O Holy God, who is resting among the holy ones, praised by the Seraphim with the thrice-holy voice, glorified by the Cherubim, and worshiped by every celestial power, You have brought all things into being out of nothing. You have created man according to Your image and likeness and adorned him with all the gifts of Your grace. You give wisdom and understanding to the one who asks, and You overlook not the sinner, but have set repentance as the way of salvation. You have granted us, Your humble and unworthy servants, to stand even at this hour before the glory of Your holy Altar of sacrifice and to offer to You due worship and praise. Master, accept the Trisagion Hymn also from the lips of us sinners, and visit us in Your goodness. Forgive all our voluntary and involuntary transgressions, sanctify our souls and bodies, and grant that we may worship You in holiness all the days of our lives, through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos and of all the saints who have pleased You throughout the ages.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa kuwa Wewe, Mungu wetu ni Mtakatifu, na Kwako tunatoa utukufu kwa Baba; na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na sikuzote,
For You, our God, are holy, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever…
hata milele na milele.
and to the ages of ages.
Wimbo wa Utatu Mtakatifu (Wimbo wa Trisagio)
Trisagios Hymn
Mungu Mtakatifu, Mweza Mtakatifu, Usiyekufa Mtakatifu. Utuhurumie. (3)
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (3)
Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Usiyekufa Mtakatifu. Utuhurumie.
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Kwa nguvu.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Padri, Amuru.
With your blessing, Master.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Abarikiwe yeye ajaye kwa jina la Bwana.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Ee Padri himidi kiti cha Enzi kilicho juu.
Master, bless the throne on high.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Mhimidiwa ni wewe uliye katika kiti cha Enzi cha ufalme wako, uketiye begani pa Wakheruvi, daima, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele. Amina
Blessed are You upon the throne of the glory of Your kingdom, enthroned upon the Cherubim always, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Kwa nguvu.
Mungu Mtakatifu, Mweza Mtakatifu,Usiyekufa Mtakatifu, utuhurumie.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
The Epistle
Friday of the 18th Week
Friday of the 18th Week
Let us be attentive.
Prokimeno. Sauti ya 7
Prokeimenon. Grave Mode. Psalm 98.
Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain. [SAAS]
Verse: The Lord reigns; let the peoples be angry. [SAAS]
Somo kutoka kwa Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
The reading is from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
Let us be attentive.
Eph. 6:18 – 24
Eph. 6:18 – 24
Brethren, stand, and pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. Now that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts. Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love undying. Amen. [RSV]
Brethren, stand, and pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. Now that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts. Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love undying. Amen. [RSV]
Amani kwako Ee Msomaji.
Peace be with you the reader.
Alleluia, Alleluia, a|leluia.
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
(Alleluia yaimbwa mara tatu. Mistari yawezapatikana katika Liturgia - Sehemu za kubadilikabadilika za siku.)
(Alleluia is sung thrice. Verses may be found in the Liturgy - Variable Parts of the day.)
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana wa Mabwana, mpenda wanadamu, angaza mioyo yetu na nuru yako takatifu ya ujuzi wa kujua Mungu; tena ufungue macho ya fikiria zetu, ili tufahamu mahubiri ya Evangelio yako. Uweke ndani yetu uchaji wa amri zako, kusudi tupate kuzikanyanga tamaa mbaya zote za kimwili, na kufuata njia ya kuishi kiroho, hata kifikiri na kutenda vitu vyote vinavyo kupendeza. Kwa kuwa wewe ndiwe mwanga wa roho na miili yetu, Ee Kristo Mungu, na kwako tunatoa utukufu, pamoja na Baba yako asiye na mwanzo, na Roho wako Mtakatifu kamili, mwema na mpaji wa uhai, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.
Shine in our hearts, O benevolent Lord, the pure light of Your divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our mind that we may comprehend the proclamations of Your Gospels. Instill in us the fear that Your blessed commandments inspire, so that, crushing carnal desires, we may seek the spiritual citizenship, thinking and doing all those things that are pleasing to You. For You, Christ our God, are the illumination of our souls and bodies, and to You we offer up glory, and to Your Father, who is without beginning, and Your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
The Gospel
Friday of the 6th Week of Luke
Friday of the 6th Week of Luke
Hekima. Simameni wima. tusikilize Evanjelio Takatifu.
Wisdom. Arise. Let us hear the holy Gospel.
Amani kwa wote.
Peace be with all.
Na iwe kwa roho yako.
And with your spirit.
Injili Takatifu kama ilivyoandikwa na Luke.
The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
Let us be attentive.
Utukufu kwako, Ee Bwana, utukufu kwako.
Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.
Lk. 11:23 – 26
Lk. 11:23 – 26
The Lord said, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest; and finding none he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it swept and put in order. Then he goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.” [RSV]
The Lord said, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest; and finding none he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it swept and put in order. Then he goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.” [RSV]
Peace be with you who read the Gospel.
Utukufu kwako, Ee Bwana, utukufu kwako.
Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.
(The litanies of Supplication and for the Catechumens and the First Prayer of the Faithful have been omitted.)
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Tena na mara nyingi sisi huanguka mbele zako ana kukusihi, Ee Mwema na mpenda wanadamu: Kwamba Wewe, ukishakadiria ombi letu, utatakasa roho ma miili yetu kutokana na unajisi wa roho na mwili, na utukidhie kusimama mbele ya Altari yako ya dhabihu, bila lawama au hukumu. Wakidhie pia, Ee Bwana, wale waombao pamoja nasi, maendeleo katika maisha, imani na ujuzi wa kiroho. Wakidhie kwamba wakuabudu milele kwa heshima na upendo, washiriki fumbo Lako bila lawama au hukumu, na wastahilishwe kuingia katika Ufalme wako wa Mbinguni.
Again and countless times we fall down before You, and we implore You, O good and benevolent Lord: That You, having regarded our prayer, may cleanse our souls and bodies from every defilement of flesh and spirit, and grant to us to stand before Your holy Altar of sacrifice, free of guilt and condemnation. Grant also, O God, to those who pray with us, progress in life, faith, and spiritual understanding. Grant that they always worship You with awe and love, partake of Your holy sacrament without guilt or condemnation, and be deemed worthy of Your celestial kingdom.
PRIEST (aloud)
Ili sisi tukilindwa daima kwa kutawala kwako, tutoe utukufu, kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na sikuzote hata milele na milele.
That, ever guarded by Your might, we may ascribe glory to You, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Wimbo wa Waheruvi (Heruviko)
The Cherubic Hymn.
Kama Waheruvi, kwa siri tunaofanana na tunaoimbia Utatu mpaji wa uhai wimbo Mtakatifu wa Utatu, (wimbo wa Trisaghio) tuweke mbali kila tafakari ya maisha. kwa kuwa mfalme wa wote tutamkaribisha.
Let us, who mystically represent the Cherubim and who sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside every worldly care. So that we may receive the King of all.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Mtu wa tamaa na anasa za mwili hastahili kukujia au kukukaribia na kukuabudu, Ee mfalme wa utukufu; kwa kuwa kukutumikia ni kwa hofu sana, hata kwa Majeshi wa mbinguni: Lakini kwa kuwa unapenda binadamu kwa hali ya ajabu, umejifanya Kuhani Mkubwa wetu bila kujigeuza au kubadilika; na wewe ndiwe umetupatia kuadhimisha dhabihu hii isiyo na damu, wewe uliye Bwana wa Mabwana wa vitu vyote. Kwa kuwa ndiwe, Bwana Mungu wetu wa pekee watawala vilivyo mbinguni na duniani, unayeketi katika kiti cha enzi begani mwa Wakheruvi, uliye Bwana wa Waserafi tena mfalme wa Israeli. Ndiwe Mtakatifu wa pekee uliyepumzika kati ya watakatifu, basi nakusihi wewe uliye mwema pekee na kusikia rahisi; uniangazie mimi mtumwa wako mwenye dhambi na asiyefaa; utakase roho na moyo wangu na kila dhamira mbaya; tena unijalie kwa nguvu ya roho Mtakatifu ili, nikivaa neema ya ukasisi, nisimame mbele ya Meza yako hii Takatifu; na kuadhimisha Mwili wako Mtakatifu na wa usafi na Damu yako ya thamani. Kwa kuwa nakujia wewe, nikiinamisha shingo yangu, nakusihi ; usinifiche uso wako; mbali mimi mtumwa wako mwenye dhambi nisiyestahili, unistahilishe kukuletea vipaji hivi. Kwa kuwa wewe ndiwe uliyetoa na uliyetolewa, uliyepokea tena uliyegawanya, Ee Kristo Mungu wetu, na kwako tunatoa utukufu, pamoja na Baba yako asiye, na mwanzo na kwa Roho wako Mtakatifu kamili, mwema na mpaji wa uhai, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele. Amina.
No one bound by carnal desires and pleasures is worthy to approach, draw near, or minister to You, the King of Glory. For to serve You is great and awesome even for the heavenly powers. Yet, because of Your ineffable and immeasurable love for humankind, You impassibly and immutably became man. You, as the Master of all, became our high priest and delivered unto us the sacred service of this liturgical and bloodless sacrifice. Indeed, Lord our God, You alone reign over the celestial and the terrestrial; borne aloft on the cherubic throne, Lord of the Seraphim and King of Israel, the only holy and resting among the holy ones. I now beseech You, who alone are good and inclined to hear: Look down upon me, Your sinful and unprofitable servant, and cleanse my soul and heart of a wicked conscience. Vested as I am with the grace of priesthood by the power of Your Holy Spirit, make me sufficient to stand before Your holy Table and perform the sacrament of Your holy and pure Body and Your precious Blood. I come before You, with my head bowed, and I implore You: Turn not Your face away from me, nor reject me from among Your children, but make me, Your sinful and unworthy servant, worthy to offer these gifts to You. For You are the One who both offers and is offered, the One who is received and is distributed, O Christ our God, and to You we offer up glory, and to Your Father, who is without beginning, and Your all-holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Kama Waheruvi, kwa siri tunaofanana na tunaoimbia Utatu mpaji wa uhai wimbo Mtakatifu wa Utatu, (wimbo wa Trisaghio) tuweke mbali kila tafakari ya maisha. * kwa kuwa mfalme wa wote tutamkaribisha. Akifuatwa na majeshi ya Malaika kwa kutoonekana. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. (3)
Let us, who mystically represent the Cherubim and who sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside every worldly care. * So that we may receive the King of all. Who is invisibly escorted by the angelic hosts. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. (3)
Bwana Mungu, utukumbuke sisi sote katika ufalme wako, daima, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.
May the Lord God remember all of you in His kingdom always, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
Akifuatwa na majeshi ya Malaika kwa kutoonekana. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Who is invisibly escorted by the angelic hosts. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Tumalize maombi yetu kwa Bwana.
Let us complete our prayer to the Lord.
CHOIR (after each petition)
Bwana, hurumia.
Lord, have mercy.
Kwa ajili ya Vipaji viheshimiwa vilivyowekwa mbele, tumwombe Bwana.
For the precious Gifts here presented, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya nyumba hii takatifu na waingiamo kwa imani, heshima na kumcha Mungu, tumwombe Bwana.
For this holy house and for those who enter it with faith, reverence, and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kuokolewa kwa kila sitikiko, ghadhabu, hatari na uhitaji, tumwombe Bwana.
For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and distress, let us pray to the Lord.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Siku hii yote iwe kamili, takatifu, tulivu na bila dhambi, tuombe kwa Bwana.
That the whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.
CHOIR (after each petition)
Kidhi, Ee Bwana.
Grant this, O Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kuwa na Malaika wa amani, mwongozi mwaminifu, mlinzi wa roho zetu na miili yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For an angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya msamaha na maondoleo ya dhambi zetu na makosa yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya vitu vyema vifaavyo kwa roho zetu na amani ya dunia yote, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For that which is good and beneficial for our souls, and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kumaliza maisha yetu yanayobaki kwa amani na toba, tuombe kwa Bwana.
That we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.
Tuombe ili mwisho wa maisha yetu uwe wa kikristo kwa amani, bila maumivu, aibu, tena tuone teto njema mbele ya kiti cha hukumu cha Kristo.
And let us ask for a Christian end to our life, peaceful, without shame and suffering, and for a good defense before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.
Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.
Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana, uliye Mungu mwenye enzi na mtakatifu pekee, unayepokea dhabihu ya sifa ya hawa waliokuita kwa moyo wao wote, upokee hata maombi yetu sisi tulio na dhambi, na uyalete juu ya madhahabu yako matakatifu. Tena utujalie kukuletea vipaji na dhabihu za roho kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu na ya makosa ya mkutano. Tena utustahilishe kuona neema kwako, ili upezwe na dhabihu yetu, na Roho mwema wa neema yako akae juu yetu na juu vipaji hivi na watu wako wote.
Lord God Almighty, You alone are holy. You accept the sacrifice of praise from those who call upon You with their whole heart, even so, accept from us sinners our supplication, and bring it to Your holy Altar of sacrifice. Make us sufficient to offer You gifts and spiritual sacrifices for our own misdeeds and those committed in ignorance by the people. Deem us worthy to find grace in Your sight, that our sacrifice may be well pleasing to You, and that the good Spirit of Your grace may rest upon us and upon these gifts presented and upon all Your people.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa huruma za Mwana wako wa pekee, pamoja na wewe unayehimidiwa, na Roho wako Mtakatifu kamili, mwema, na mpaji wa uhai, sasa na sikuzote, hata milele na milele.
Through the mercies of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, and Your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Amani kwa wote.
PRIEST: Peace be with all.
Na iwe kwa roho yako.
CHOIR: And with your spirit.
Tupendane sisi kwa sisi, ili sote kwa nia moja tuungame.
Let us love one another, that with oneness of mind we may confess:
Baba, Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, Utatu wa asili moja, na asiyetengana.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Trinity, one in essence and undivided.
Or, for concelebrations:
Nitakupenda, Ee Bwana, nguvu zangu; Bwana ni imara yangu na boma langu na mwokozi wangu (3) [[SWA]]
I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my foundation, my refuge, my deliverer. [SAAS]
Milango; milango; tusikilize kwa hekima.
The doors! The doors! In wisdom, let us be attentive!
The Creed
Nasadiki Mungu mmoja, Baba, Mwenyezi, mwumba wa Mbingu, na Nchi, hata vyote vilivyo onekana na visivyo onekana. Tena Bwana mmoja, Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa pekee wa Mungu, aliyezaliwa na Baba kabla ya wakati wowote. Nuru toka Nuru, Mungu kweli toka Mungu kweli, aliyezaliwa, hakuumbwa, aliye wa asili moja na Baba, kwa yeye vyote vilifanya. Aliyeshuka mbinguni kwa ajili yetu wanadamu na ya wokovu wetu, akapata mwili kwa Maria bikira na kwa Roho Mtakatifu, hata kuwa mtu. Aliye sulubiwa kwa ajili yetu wakati wa enzi ya Pontio Pilato, akateswa, akawekwa kaburini. Aliyefufuka siku ya tatu, kama Maandiko yanenavyo. Akapaa mbinguni ndipo anapokaa kuume kwa Baba. Atakaye kuja mara ya pili kwa utukufu kuwahukumu wa hai na wafu; na ufalme wake utakuwa bila mwisho. Tena nasadiki Roho Mtakatifu, yu Bwana, yu mpaji wa uhai; anayetoka kwa Baba, anayesujudiwa na kutukuzwa pamoja na Baba na Mwana, aliyenena kwa midomo ya manabii. Tena nasadiki Ekklesia Moja, Takatifu, Katholiki na la Mitume. Naungama ubatizo moja kwa maondoleo ya dhambi. Natumaini ufufuo wa wafu, hata uzima wa ulimwengu utakaokuja.
I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father, through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father; And He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.
CHOIR: Amen.
Tusimame wima vizuri; tusimame wima kwa hofu; tuangalie kuleta sadaka (Anafora) takatifu kwa amani.
Let us stand aright! Let us stand in awe! Let us be attentive, that we may present the Holy Offering in peace.
Huruma ya amani; dhabihu ya sifa.
A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.
Neema ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, na upendo wa Mungu Baba, na ushirika wa Roho Mtakatifu, uwe na ninyi nyote.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
Na iwe kwa roho yako.
And with your spirit.
Tuweke mioyo juu.
Let us lift up our hearts.
Tumeiweka kwako ee Bwana
We lift them up to the Lord.
Tumshukuru Bwana.
Let us give thanks to the Lord.
Ni wajibu na haki.
It is proper and right.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ni wajibu na haki kukuimbia, kukuhimidi, kukusifu, kukushukuru na kukusujudu katika mahali popote pa utawala wako.Kwa kuwa wewe ndiwe Mungu usiye elezeka, usiye wazika usiye onekana, usiye chunguzika, usiye na mwanzo tangu milele, uliye sawa sawa nyakati zote, wewe na mwana wako wa pekee, na Roho wako Mtakatifu; wewe ulitufanya toka bure, na tukawa; na tuangakapo wewe hutusimamisha, na ulifanya vyovyote, mpaka kutupaza mbinguni ili kutupatia ufalme wako utakaokuja. Kwa ajili ya vyote hivi tuna kushukuru wewe, na Mwana wako wa pekee, na Roho wako Mtakatifu, tunakushukuru kwa ajili ya vitu vyote vinavyo onekana na visivyo onekana ulivyo tutendea. Tunashukuru hata kwa ajili ya Liturghia hii uliyokubali kuipokea kwa mikono yetu, ingawa wasimama mbele yako maelfu ya Malaika majemadari, na maelfu ya Malaika, Wakheruvi na Waserafi wenye mabawa sita, macho-mengi wanaopepea juu.
It is proper and right to hymn You, to bless You, to praise You, to give thanks to You, and to worship You in every place of Your dominion. For You, O God, are ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, existing forever, forever the same, You and Your only-begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit. You brought us out of nothing into being, and when we had fallen away, You raised us up again. You left nothing undone until you had led us up to heaven and granted us Your kingdom, which is to come. For all these things, we thank You and Your only-begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit: for all things we know and do not know, for blessings manifest and hidden that have been bestowed on us. We thank You also for this Liturgy, which You have deigned to receive from our hands, even though thousands of archangels and tens of thousands of angels stand around You, the Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many eyed, soaring aloft upon their wings,
PRIEST (aloud)
Wakiimba na kulia, wakipaza sauti, na kusema wimbo wa shangwe.
Singing the triumphal hymn, exclaiming, proclaiming, and saying…
Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu, Bwana Saboath (wa majeshi); nchi na mbingu zimejazwa na utukufu wako; Hosana mbinguni juu; mhimidiwa ajaye kwa jina la Bwana, Hosana uliye mbinguni juu.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord Sabaoth, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Hata sisi pamoja na hao majeshi heri, tunapaza sauti, na kusema kuwa wewe, Ee Bwana wa Mabwana, mpenzi wa wanadamu; wewe ni Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu kamili, na Mwana wako wa pekee, na Roho Mtakatifu. Wewe ni Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu kamili, na utukufu wako adhimu; uliyependa ulimwengu wako jinsi hii, hata ukamtoa Mwana wako wa pekee, kusudi kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele; yeye, alipokuja na kumaliza chote kikusudiwacho na Mungu kwa ajili yetu, usiku ule alipotolewa, na zaidi alijitoa kwa ajili ya uzima wa ulimwengu, akichukua mkate mikononi yake mitakatifu na isiyo na doa. Akashukuru, akaubariki, akautakasa, akaumega na kuwapa wanafunzi wake na mitume wake watakatifu akisema.
Together with these blessed powers, benevolent Master, we also exclaim and say: Holy are You and most holy, You and Your only‐begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit. Holy are You and most holy, and sublime is Your glory. You so loved Your world that You gave Your only-begotten Son so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. When He had come and fulfilled for our sake the entire plan of salvation, on the night in which He was delivered up, or rather when He delivered Himself up for the life of the world, He took bread in His holy, pure, and blameless hands, and, giving thanks and blessing, He hallowed and broke it, and gave it to His holy disciples and apostles, saying:
PRIEST (aloud)
Twaeni, kuleni; huu ndiyo mwili wangu unaomegwa kwa ajili yenu, na kwa maondoleo ya dhambi.
Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins.
CHOIR: Amen.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Sawasawa na kikombe baada ya kula akisema:
And likewise the cup after supper, saying:
PRIEST (aloud)
Nyweni nyote na hii, hii ndiyo damu yangu iliyo ya agano jipya, imwagikayo kwa ajili yenu na ya wengi, kwa maondoleo ya dhambi.
Drink of it, all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.
CHOIR: Amen.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Kwa hivyo tukikumbuka amri hii ya kuleta wokovu, tena vyote vilivyo fanywa kwa ajili yetu, Msalaba, kaburi, ufufuko wa siku ya tatu, kupaa mbinguni, kukaa kuume na kuja mara ya pili kwa Utukufu.
Remembering, therefore, this saving commandment and everything that was done for our sake: the Cross, the tomb, the Resurrection on the third day, the ascent into the heavens, the seating at the right hand, and the glorious coming again,
PRIEST (aloud)
Vilivyo vyako kutoka vilivyo vyako, tunakuletea kadiri ya vyote na kwa ajili ya vyote.
Your own of Your own we offer to You, in all and for all.
We praise You. We bless You. We give thanks to You, O Lord; and we pray to You, our God.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Tena tunakuletea dhabihu hii ya akili na bila damu, na tuna kuomba na kukusihi na kukurongaronga (kukuuliza); utume Roho wako Mtakatifu juu yetu sisi na juu ya vipaji hivi vilivyo mbele.
Once again we offer to You this spiritual worship without the shedding of blood, and we beseech and pray and entreat You: Send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon the gifts here presented,
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Bless, Master, the Holy Bread.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Na ufanye mkate huu kuwa Mwili mheshimiwa wa Kristo wako.
And make this Bread the precious Body of Your Christ.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Bless, Master, the holy Cup.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Na iliyo ndani ya kikombe hiki kuwa Damu heshimiwa ya Kristo wako.
And that which is in this Cup, the precious Blood of Your Christ.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Bless, Master, both the Holy Gifts.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Kwa kuvigeuza kwa Roho wako Mtakatifu.
Changing them by Your Holy Spirit.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Amina. Amina. Amina.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ili vitakuwa kwao wanao vipokea kuwaletea makesha ya roho, maondoleo ya dhambi, ushirika wa Roho wako Mtakatifu, utimilifu wa ufalme wa mbinguni, uthabiti mbele zako, bila kuwa na hatia au hukumu. Tena tunakuletea dhabihu hii ya akili kwa ajili yao walio rehemia katika imani, Manabii, Mababa, Mapatriaka, Mitume, Wahubiri, Mashahidi, Waungama, Watawa na kila roho ya mwenye haki aliye malizika katika imani.
So that they may be for those who partake of them for vigilance of soul, remission of sins, communion of Your Holy Spirit, fullness of the kingdom of Heaven, boldness before You, not for judgment or condemnation. Again, we offer You this spiritual worship for those who have reposed in the faith: forefathers, fathers, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, preachers, evangelists, martyrs, confessors, ascetics, and for every righteous spirit made perfect in faith,
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa ajili ya Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu, Mzazi Mungu {Theotokos} na Bikira daima.
Especially for our most holy, pure, blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary.
Hymn to the Theotokos.
Ni Wajibu kweli kukuita heri, Ee Mzazi Mungu (Theotokos), mbarikiwa daima na bila ndoa tena Mama wa Mungu wetu, uliye wa thamani kushinda Wakheruvi, unaye utukufu kupita bila kiasi Waserafi, uliye mzaa Mungu Neno bila kuharibu, uliye Mzazi – Mungu {Theotokos} kweli tuna kukuza wee.
It is truly right to bless you, Theotokos, ever blessed, most pure, and Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Logos. We magnify you, the true Theotokos.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ya Yohana nabii, mtangulizi na mbatizaji; ya mitume watukufu na wasifiwa kamili; ya {Jina la mtakatifu wa siku}; hata ya Watakatifu wako wote; kwa maombi yao utujie , Ee Mungu, Na ukumbuke wote hawa waliolala katika matumaini ya ufufuo ya uzima milele (Majina); na kuwa rehemia mahali pa mwangaza wa nuru ya uso wako. Tena tunakusihi, ukumbuke, Ee Bwana , kila uaskofu, wa Orthodoksi, walioshika imara neno la ukweli wako, ukasisi wote, ushemasi katika Kristo, hata kila jeshi la ukasisi na la utawa. Tena tunakuletea ibada hii ya akili kwa ajili ya Ekklisia lako takatifu la ulimwengu wote, Katholiki na la Mitume, ya hawa wanaoishi katika usafi na mwenendo wa kiasi; ya watawala wetu, walio amini na kumpenda Kristo; wape kutawala katika amani; ili hata sisi tupite maisha yetu katika utulivu na shauri, kwa kila heshima ya Mungu na mwenendo mwema.
For Saint John the Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist; for the holy, glorious, and most praiseworthy apostles; for Saint(s) (name), whose memory we celebrate; and for all Your saints, through whose supplications, visit us, O God. And remember all who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection to life eternal (here the Priest commemorates by name those departed whom he wishes). Grant them rest, where the light of Your countenance keeps watch. Again we beseech You, Lord, remember all Orthodox bishops who rightly teach the word of Your truth, the presbyterate, the diaconate in Christ, and every priestly order. Again we offer You this spiritual worship for the whole world, for the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, and for those living pure and reverent lives. For civil authorities and our armed forces, grant that they may govern in peace, Lord, so that in their tranquility we, too, may live calm and serene lives, in all piety and virtue.
PRIEST (aloud)
Ee Bwana, ya kwanza umkumbuke Askofu wetu mkuu na umlinde katika Ekklesia lako Takatifu, ili aishi maisha ya amani, uzima, heshima, afya na miaka kwa kushika imara neno la ukweli wako.
Among the first remember, Lord, our Archbishop (name): grant him to Your holy churches in peace, safety, honor, and health, unto length of days, rightly teaching the word of Your truth.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Hata hawa walio ndani ya fikira ya kila mmoja wetu; tena wanaume wote na wanawake wote.
And remember those whom each one of us has in mind, and all the people.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana, ukumbuke mji {au Monastiri} huu, na mahali hapa tunapokaa, hata kila mji na nchi, na hawa wanaokaa humo kwa imani. Uwakumbuke, Ee Bwana, wasafiri hewani, baharini na nchini kavu, wagonjwa, wachoshwa na mateka, na kwa ajili ya wokovu wao. Ee Bwana, uwakumbuke hawa wanaotenda matendo mema katika Maekklisia yako matakatifu na wakumbukao maskini; na utuletee sisi sote huruma yako.
Remember, Lord, Your Holy Great Church, our Sacred Archdiocese, this city in which we live, and every city and land, and the faithful who live in them. Remember, Lord, those who travel by land, sea, and air; the sick; the suffering; the captives; and their salvation. Remember those who bear fruit and do good works in Your holy churches and those who are mindful of the poor, and upon us all send forth Your mercies.
PRIEST (aloud)
Na utujalie sisi ili kwa kinywa kimoja na moyo mmoja tutukuze na kusifu jina lako adhimu na heshimiwa, la Bwana na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.
And grant that with one voice and one heart we may glorify and praise Your most honorable and majestic name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Rehema za Yesu Kristo, Mungu Mwenye Enzi na Mwokozi wetu, ziwe pamoja na ninyi nyote.
And the mercies of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you all.
Na ziwe kwa roho yako.
And with your spirit.
Baada ya kuwakumbuka watakatifu wote, tena na tena kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.
Having commemorated all the saints, again and again, in peace, let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Kwa ajili ya vipaji viheshimiwa vilivyo wekwa mbele na kutakaswa, tumwombe Bwana.
For the precious Gifts here presented and consecrated, let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Ili Mungu wetu mpenda wanadamu aliye vipokea katika madhabahu yake matakatifu, yaliyo ya mbinguni juu na ya kiroho, kuwa manukato ya harufu ya kiroho, aturudishie neema ya Mungu, na karama ya Roho Mtakatifu, tumwombe Bwana.
That our benevolent God, having accepted them at His holy and celestial and mystical altar as an offering of spiritual fragrance, may in return send down upon us the divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Show Petitions
(The rest of this litany, which was previously said above, is nowadays usually and correctly omitted.)
Kwa ajili ya kuokolewa kwa kila sitikiko, ghadhabu, hatari na uhitaji, tumwombe Bwana.
For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and distress, let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
Lord, have mercy.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Bwana, hurumia.
Lord, have mercy.
Siku hii yote iwe kamili, takatifu, tulivu na bila dhambi, tuombe kwa Bwana.
That the whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.
CHOIR (after each petition)
Kidhi, Ee Bwana.
Grant this, O Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kuwa na Malaika wa amani, mwongozi mwaminifu, mlinzi wa roho zetu na miili yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For an angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya msamaha na maondoleo ya dhambi zetu na makosa yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya vitu vyema vifaavyo kwa roho zetu na amani ya dunia yote, tuombe kwa Bwana.
For that which is good and beneficial for our souls, and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.
Kwa ajili ya kumaliza maisha yetu yanayobaki kwa amani na toba, tuombe kwa Bwana.
That we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.
Tuombe ili mwisho wa maisha yetu uwe wa kikristo kwa amani, bila maumivu, aibu, tena tuone teto njema mbele ya kiti cha hukumu cha Kristo.
And let us ask for a Christian end to our life, peaceful, without shame and suffering, and for a good defense before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.
Hide Petitions
Tukiomba umoja wa imani na ushirika wa Roho Mtakatifu, sisi na kila mmoja wetu, na wenzetu wote hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.
Having asked for the unity of the faith and for the communion of the Holy Spirit, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana wa Mabwana, tunaweka maisha yetu na matumaini yetu mikononi mwako, na kukuomba, na kukusihi, na kukuuliza; utujalie kushiriki katika fumbo (sacramenti) zako za mbinguni na za kutisha sana; za Meza hii ya kiumungu na kiroho, kwa dhamira safi, tupate maondoleo ya dhambi, msamaha wa makosa, ushirika wa Roho Mtakatifu, urithi wa ufalme wa mbinguni, uthabiti mbele zako, bila kuwa na hatia au hukumu.
We entrust to You, benevolent Master, our whole life and hope, and we beseech, pray, and implore You: Grant us to partake of Your heavenly and awesome sacraments from this sacred and spiritual table with a clear conscience for the remission of sins, the forgiveness of transgressions, the communion of the Holy Spirit, the inheritance of the kingdom of Heaven, and boldness before You, not unto judgment or condemnation.
PRIEST (aloud)
Na utustahilishe, Ee Bwana wa Mabwana, tukiwa na uthabiti, bila hukumu, tuwe na ujasiri kukuita Baba, wewe Mungu uliye mbinguni, na kusema:
And grant us, Master, with boldness and without condemnation, to dare call You, the heavenly God, Father, and to say:
The Lord''s Prayer
Baba yetu uliye Mbinguni; Jina lako litukuzwe; Ufalme wako uje; mapenzi yako yatimizwe, hapa Duniani kama huko Mbinguni. Utupe leo mkate wetu wa kila siku; na utusamehe deni zetu; kama sisi tuwasamehevyo wadeni wetu; tena usitutie majaribuni, lakini tuokoe na yule mwovu.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Kwa kuwa ufalme ni wako, na nguvu, na utukufu, wa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Amani kwa wote.
PRIEST: Peace be with all.
Na iwe kwa roho yako.
CHOIR: And with your spirit.
Tuinamishe vichwa vyetu kwa Bwana.
Let us bow our heads to the Lord.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Tunakushukuru, Mfalme usiye onekana, kwa nguvu yako isiyopimika, umeviumba vyote, tena kwa wingi wa huruma zako umevitoa vyote toka bure, na vikawa. Wewe ndiwe, Ee Bwana wa Mabwana, utazame toka mbinguni juu ya hawa walioinama kwako vichwa vyao; Kwa kuwa hawainami kwa mwili na damu, ila kwako, uliye Mungu wa kutisha. Basi wewe, Bwana wa Mabwana, utupatie vipaji hivi vifae kila mmoja wetu kwa haja yake; usafiri pamoja nao wanao safiri baharini, hewani na nchini; uponye wagonjwa wewe uliye tabibu (daktari) wa roho na miili yetu.
We give thanks to You, invisible King, who by Your boundless power fashioned the universe, and in the multitude of Your mercy brought all things from nothing into being. Look down from heaven, O Master, upon those who have bowed their heads before You, for they have not bowed before flesh and blood, but before You, the awesome God. Therefore, O Master, make smooth and beneficial for us all, whatever lies ahead, according to the need of each: Sail with those who sail, travel with those who travel, heal the sick, Physician of our souls and bodies.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa neema, na rehema, na upendo wa wanadamu wa Mwana wako wa pekee, pamoja na wewe mhimidiwa, na Roho wako Mtakatifu kamili, mwema na mpaji wa uhai, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.
Through the grace, compassion, and love for humankind of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, and Your all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Bwana Yesu Kristo Mungu wetu, toka Maskani yako matakatifu na toka enzini mwako mwa utukufu wa ufalme wako, uangalie utujie na ututakase, wewe unayekaa juu pamoja na baba, tena hapa pamoja nasi bila kuonekana. Na ukubali kutushirikisha, kwa mkono wako, Mwili wako na Damu yako heshimiwa, na kwa mikono yetu kuwashirikisha washirika wote.
Hearken, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, from Your holy dwelling place and from the throne of glory of Your kingdom, and come to sanctify us, You who are enthroned with the Father on high and are present among us invisibly here. And with Your mighty hand, grant Communion of Your most pure Body and precious Blood to us, and through us to all the people.
DEACON: Let us be attentive.
Vitu Vitakatifu kwa watu watakatifu wa Mungu.
The Holy Gifts for the holy people of God.
Mtakatifu mmoja, Bwana ni mmoja, Yesu Kristo, kwa utukufu wa Mungu Baba. Amina.
One is Holy, one is Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Show Pre-Communion Prayers
The selection and text of the following prayers may be different from what is used in your parish.
Nasadiki Ee Bwana , na kuungama kuwa kweli ndiwe Kristo Mwana wa Mungu aliye hai, uliye kuja duniani kuwaokoa wenye dhambi, kati yao ni mimi wa kwanza. Tena nasadiki kuwa huu ndio mwili wako wa bila doa na hii ndiyo damu yako heshimiwa. Basi nakuomba unihurumie na kunisamehe makosa yangu, ya hiara ama yasio na hiara, kwa maneno ama kwa matendo ninayo fahamu ama nisiyo fahamu; na unistahilishe kushiriki katika fumbo (Mistiri) lako la bila doa, kwa ajili ya maondoleo ya dhambi na uzima wa milele. Amina.
I believe and confess, Lord, that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. I also believe that this is truly Your pure Body and that this is truly Your precious Blood. Therefore, I pray to You, have mercy on me and forgive my transgressions, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, in knowledge or in ignorance. And make me worthy, without condemnation, to partake of Your pure sacrament for the remission of sins and for eternal life. Amen.
Tazama naujia ushirika wa Mungu, ee muumba usinichome katika kushiriki, kwa kuwa u moto wa kuwachoma wasiostahili, bali unisafishe na uchafu wangu wote.
As I am about to receive holy communion, * O Maker, I pray You not burn me partaking, * since You are fire consuming the unworthy, * but rather purge me of any defilement.
Unipokee leo, Ee Mwana wa Mungu, kuwa mshiriki wa karamu yako ya fumbo (Mistiri); sitafunua kamwe fumbo lako kwa maadui wako, wala sitakubusu kama Yuda; Bali kama yule mnyang’anyi nakuungama. Unikumbuke, Ee Bwana katika ufalme wako.
Receive me, today, O Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical Supper. I will not reveal Your mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss, as did Judas. But like the Robber I confess to You. Remember me, O Lord, when You come in Your kingdom.
Ogopa ee mtu unpoiona damu takatifu. Kwa kuwa ni moto wa kuwachooma wasiostahili. Ni mwili wa Mungu na unanigeuzia umungu na kunilisha. Ni Roho wa Mungu unaonilisha akili kwa njia ya ajabu.
Seeing the deifying Blood, O human, shudder, * for it is a live coal that burns the unworthy. * The Body of God both deifies my spirit * and feeds my mind in extraordinary manner.
Umenivuta kwako kwa hamu, Ee Kristo, na umenigeuza kwa upendo wa umungu; bali uchome dhambi zangu kwa moto usioonekana, naunistahilishe kujawa na furaha ya umungu, ili niki‐ furahiwa sana niyatukuze mahudhurio yako mawili mwema we.
You have enraptured me, O Christ, * with Your longing and transformed me with love divine. * I pray, completely consume * with immaterial fire all my sins. * And count me worthy to be filled * fully with the delight in You, * that I may magnify * both Your Comings, O good Master, exultantly.
Faharini za watakatifu wako, jinsi nitakavyo ingia, mimi nisiye stahili; kwa kuwa ningekuwa na ujasiri kuingia katika chumba cha arusi nguo yangu isiyo stahili kuwa kwa arusi inanistaki; hivyo malaika wangenifunga na kunitupa nje. Ee Bwana, usafishe uchafu wa roho yangu, na kuniokoa, Ee mpenda–wanadamu.
How shall I enter into the splendor of Your saints since I am unworthy? For if I dare to enter the wedding hall along with them, my garment will betray me, for it is not fit for the wedding; and then I shall be bound and cast out by the Angels. I pray You to wash away the stains on my soul, and save me, O benevolent Lord.
Ee Bwana wa mabwana, mpenda–wanadamu, Yesu Kristo Mungu wangu, nakuomba vitakatifu hivi visiwe kwa kunihukumu, kwa kuwa mimi navishiriki bila kustahili; bali viwe kwa usafisho na utakaso wa roho hata wa mwili; tena ahadi ya uzima na ufalme ujao. Basi kwa mimi ni vema kutegemea katika Mungu, kuyaweka kwa Bwana matumaini ya wokovu wangu.
Benevolent Master, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, let not these Holy Gifts be to my judgment because I am unworthy, but rather for the purification and sanctification of both soul and body and the pledge of the life and kingdom to come. It is good for me to cleave unto God and to place in Him the hope of my salvation.
Unipokee leo, Ee Mwana wa Mungu, kuwa mshiriki wa karamu yako ya fumbo (Mistiri); sitafunua kamwe fumbo lako kwa maadui wako, wala sitakubusu kama Yuda; Bali kama yule mnyang’anyi nakuungama. Unikumbuke, Ee Bwana katika ufalme wako.
Receive me, today, O Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical Supper. I will not reveal Your mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss, as did Judas. But like the Robber I confess to You. Remember me, O Lord, when You come in Your kingdom.
Hide Pre-Communion Prayers
Wimbo wa Ushirika.
Communion Hymn. Psalm 73.
You worked salvation in the midst of the earth, O Christ our God. [SAAS] Alleluia.
Kwa kumcha Mungu, kwa imani, na upendo mkaribie.
With the fear of God, faith, and love, draw near.
Mtumwa {au mjakazi} wa Mungu {jina} anapewa Mwili na Damu ya Yesu Kristo Bwana wetu, kwa maondoleo ya dhambi na uzima wa milele.
The people come up to receive Holy Communion. The Priest receives the holy chalice from the hands of the Deacon and begins communing the people, saying to each one: The Body and Blood of Christ, for the remission of sins and life eternal.
Hymns During Holy Communion
Ee Mungu, waokoe watu wako na ubariki urithi wako.
Save, O God, Your people, and bless Your inheritance.
Hymn after Holy Communion.
Sauti 2.
Mode 2.
Tumeona nuru ya ukweli, tumepata Roho wa mbinguni, tumeona imani kweli, tukimsujudu utatu asiotengwa; kwa kuwa huyu ametuokoa.
We have seen the true light; we have received the heavenly Spirit; we have found the true faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.
SHEMASI (kwa mnong''ono)
DEACON (in a low voice)
Ee Padri, Paza
Exalt, Master.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Mungu, utukuzwe juu ya mbingu, na juu ya nchi yote uwe utukufu wako. (3)
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let Your glory be over all the earth. (3)
Mhimidiwa ni Mungu wetu
Blessed is our God.
PRIEST (aloud)
Daima sasa na sikuzote hata milele na milele.
Always, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Simameni wima; baada ya kushiriki Fumbo (Sakramenti) la umungu takatifu, bila doa, la milele, la mbinguni juu, la uzima na kuogopa kweli, tumshukuru Bwana.
Arise! Having partaken of the divine, holy, pure, immortal, heavenly, life-creating, and awesome Mysteries of Christ, let us worthily give thanks to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Tukimaliza kuomba siku hii yote iwe kamili, takatifu, tulivu bila dhambi, sisi na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu pia tujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu..
Having prayed for a perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless day, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
Kwako, Ee Bwana.
CHOIR: To You, O Lord.
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Tunakushukuru, Ee Bwana mpenda wanadamu, mfadhili wa roho zetu kwa kuwa umetujalia tena kwa wakati huu kupoke Fumbo (Mistri} lako la mbinguni na la uzima. Uimarishe njia yetu sawasawa kwa ukweli; ututegemeze sisi sote katika hofu yako; ulinde maisha yetu, uzisalimishe hatua zetu; kwa sala na maombi ya Maria-Mzazi Mungu na Bikira daima na watakatifu wako wote.
We give thanks to You, benevolent Master, benefactor of our souls, that even on this very day You have made us worthy of Your heavenly and immortal sacraments. Make straight our path, fortify us in Your fear, guard our life, make secure our steps, through the prayers and supplications of the glorious Theotokos and ever virgin Mary and of all Your saints.
PRIEST (aloud)
Kwa kuwa wewe ni utakaso wetu na kwako tunatoa utukufu, kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na sikuzote, hata milele na milele.
For You are our sanctification, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Twende kwa amani.
PRIEST: Let us go forth in peace.
Tumwombe Bwana.
DEACON: Let us pray to the Lord.
Bwana, hurumia.
CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.
Ee Bwana, unayebariki wanao kuhimidi na unaye takasa wanao kutegemea, waokoe watu wako na ubariki urithi wako; ulinde ujazo wa Ekklesia lako; uwatakase wanaopenda uzuri wa nyumba Yako. Wewe uwape marudio ya utukufu kwa uweza wako wa Umungu; tena usituache sisi tunao kutumaini. Upatie dunia yako amani, tena Maekklesia Yako, Makasisi, Viongozi wetu, majeshi na watu wako wote. Kwa kuwa kila ukarimu wema na kila kipaji kilicho kamili kinatoka kwako juu, uliye Baba wa nuru; na kwako tunatoa utukufu, ushukuru na usujudu, kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na sikuzote hata milele na milele.
O Lord, who blesses those who bless You and sanctifies those who put their trust in You, save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Protect the whole body of Your Church. Sanctify those who love the beauty of Your house. Glorify them in return by Your divine power, and forsake us not who have set our hope in You. Grant peace to Your world, to Your churches, to the clergy, to our civic leaders, to the armed forces, and to all Your people. For every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from You, the Father of lights. To You we offer up glory, thanksgiving, and worship, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.
CHOIR: Amen.
Jina la Bwana, lihimidiwe, tangu sasa hata milele [[SWA]] (3)
Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and to the ages. [GOA] (3)
KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)
PRIEST (in a low voice)
Ee Kristo Mungu wetu, uliye ukamilifu wa sheria na wa Manabii, Uliye kamilisha makusudi yote ya Baba, ujaze mioyo yetu kwa furaha na shangwe, daima sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.
Christ our God, You are the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. You have fulfilled the Father’s entire plan of salvation. Fill our hearts with joy and gladness always, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.