
Books - Sources

Octoechos - Grave Mode.

On Sunday Morning

Menaion - August 15

Sunday after the Feast




Grave Mode.

God is the Lord, and He revealed Himself to us. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. [SAAS]

Verse 1: Give thanks to the Lord and call upon His holy name.

Verse 2: All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I defended myself against them.

Verse 3: And this came about from the Lord, and it is wonderful in our eyes.

From Octoechos - - -

Resurrectional Apolytikion.

Grave Mode.

You destroyed death by Your Cross, You opened Paradise to the Robber. You turned the Myrrh-bearing Women’s lament into joy, and You commanded Your Apostles to preach that You rose, O Christ God, granting the world the great mercy. [GOASD]

Glory. Repeat.

You destroyed death by Your Cross, You opened Paradise to the Robber. You turned the Myrrh-bearing Women’s lament into joy, and You commanded Your Apostles to preach that You rose, O Christ God, granting the world the great mercy. [GOASD]

Both now.

Apolytikion of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Mode 1.

You gave birth yet preserved your virginity. You fell asleep in death yet did not desert the world, O Theotokos. You were transported to life, as you are Mother of Life and, by virtue of your intercessions, deliver our souls from death. [SD]


Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For Yours is the dominion, and Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.


Kathisma I.

From Octoechos - - -

Grave Mode.

Life was placed in the sepulcher, and a seal was placed on the stone. The soldiers were guarding Christ like a sleeping king. The Angels glorified Him as their immortal God. And the women cried aloud, “The Lord has risen, and He has granted to the world the great mercy.” [GOASD]


Grave Mode.

While You were buried for three days, You devastated death. You brought life to humanity, which had been destroyed; and when You rose, You resurrected it, O Christ God, as the benevolent Savior. Glory to You! [GOASD]

From Menaion - - -

Both now. For the Feast.

Mode 4. Joseph marveled.

Κατεπλάγη Ἰωσήφ.

Prophet David, tell us please, what do we celebrate today? * “The Assumption of the one, whom in the Psalms I extolled * as daughter and Virgin and the Mother of God, * when Christ, who without seed was born of her, himself * transported her to heaven, to the mansions there. * And on this day especially mothers, * daughters, and brides of Christ salute her with joy, * ‘Rejoice, O Lady! You were transported * to the royal courts on high!’” [SD]

From Octoechos - - -

Kathisma II.

Grave Mode.

The tomb being sealed, You rose from the sepulcher, O Christ God, the Life. And the doors being shut, You came to the disciples, O resurrection of all. Through them You renew a right spirit within us, according to Your great mercy. [GOASD]


Grave Mode.

In tears, the women ran to the tomb, bringing ointments. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us?” For You, the King of all, were guarded by soldiers. Then they heard the angelic voice addressing them, “The Angel of great Counsel has trampled death, and He has risen!” O almighty Lord, glory to You! [GOASD]

From Menaion - - -

Both now. For the Feast.

Mode 1. The soldiers keeping watch.

Τὸν τάφον σου Σωτήρ.

The honorable choir of the all-wise Apostles * miraculously came, O august Theotokos, * to bury your immaculate holy body with dignity. * Joining them, the hosts of holy Angels extolled you. * With solemnity they sang and praised your Assumption, * which we faithfully celebrate. [SD]

Resurrectional Evlogetaria.

Mode pl. 1.

Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your statutes.

When the hosts of the Angels saw how You were accounted among the dead, they all marveled. You, O Savior, are the One who destroyed the might of death; and when You arose You raised Adam with yourself and from Hades liberated everyone. [SD]

Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your statutes.

“Why do you mingle the ointments with your tears full of pity, O women disciples?” Thus the Angel who was shining in the tomb cried to the myrrh-bearing women. “See for yourselves the empty tomb and understand, that the Savior has risen from the sepulcher.”

Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your statutes.

Very early in the morning, the myrrh-bearing women were hastening to Your tomb lamenting. But the Angel appeared to them and uttered, “The time for lamentation has ended; weep no more. Go announce the Resurrection to the Apostles.”

Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your statutes.

When the myrrh-bearing women had come with their spices to Your sepulcher, O Savior, they heard the voice of an Angel clearly speaking to them, “Why do you account among the dead the One who lives? For as God, He has risen from the sepulcher.”


We bow down in worship to the Father and His Son and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, one in essence; and we cry aloud with the Seraphim: Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O Lord.

Both now.

Giving birth to the Giver of life, O Virgin, you delivered Adam from sin, and to Eve you have rendered joy in place of sorrow. He who from you became incarnate, God and man, has directed to life him who fell from it.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Glory to You, O God. (3)


Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For blessed is Your name, and glorified is Your kingdom, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.


From Octoechos - - -

Hypakoe. Grave Mode.

O Christ God, who took our form and bodily endured the Cross, save me by Your resurrection, O benevolent Lord. [GOASD]



Antiphon 1. Grave Mode.

You returned the captives of Zion from their wandering. As for me, enliven me, and free me from captivity to passions. [GOASD]

In the south those who sow afflictions with tears and with fasting will reap the sheaves of joy, the staff of life everlasting. [GOASD]

Glory. Both now.

In the Holy Spirit is the source of divine treasures. From Him is wisdom, understanding, and fear. To Him praise is due, glory, honor and dominion. [GOASD]

Antiphon 2.

Unless the Lord builds the house of the soul, we labor in vain; for without Him no action or word is accomplished. [GOASD]

Moved by the Spirit, the saints produce the Father’s dogmas about the sonship of the fruit of the womb. [GOASD]

Glory. Both now.

In the Holy Spirit, the universe has its existence. For He is God before all, universal lordship, unapproachable light, and the life of all. [GOASD]

Antiphon 3.

Those who fear the Lord and find the ways of life, both now and ever will be called blessed, for having immortal glory. [GOASD]

As you see your offspring like olive trees around your table, rejoice and be glad, chief shepherd, as you bring them to Christ. [GOASD]

Glory. Both now.

In the Holy Spirit is an ocean of divine gifts, a wealth of glory, a great depth of judgments; He is identical in glory to the Father and the Son, and therefore to be worshiped. [GOASD]


Arise, O Lord my God, let Your hand be lifted high, and do not forget Your poor to the end. (2)

Verse: I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my whole heart.

Arise, O Lord my God, let Your hand be lifted high, and do not forget Your poor to the end. [SAAS]

Eothinon Gospel (Not EP / GOA)

Stand for the Gospel reading.

DEACON: Let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


For You, our God, are holy, and You rest among the holy ones, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Mode 2.

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. (2) Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. [SAAS]


Let us pray to the Lord our God that we may be made worthy to hear the holy Gospel.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. (3)


Wisdom. Arise. Let us hear the holy Gospel.

PRIEST: Peace be with all.

CHOIR: And with your spirit.


The reading is from the holy Gospel according to John.

DEACON: Let us be attentive.


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

PRIEST (from the altar table)

Eothinon 8

John. 20:11 – 18

At that time, Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus has lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” Saying this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabboni,” which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and she told them that he had said these things to her. [RSV]


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.


Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. Your Cross, O Christ, we venerate, and Your holy Resurrection we praise and glorify. For You are our God; apart from You we know no other; we call upon Your name. Come, all faithful, let us venerate the holy Resurrection of Christ; for behold, through the Cross, joy has come to the whole world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us praise His Resurrection; for having endured the Cross for us, He destroyed death by death. [GOA]


Psalm 50 (51).

Mode 2. (or the Mode of the week)

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy; and according to the abundance of Your compassion, blot out my transgression.

Wash me thoroughly from my lawlessness and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my lawlessness, and my sin is always before me.

Against You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight; that You may be justified in Your words, and overcome when You are judged.

For behold, I was conceived in transgressions, and in sins my mother bore me.

Behold, You love truth; You showed me the unknown and secret things of Your wisdom.

You shall sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; You shall wash me, and I will be made whiter than snow.

You shall make me hear joy and gladness; my bones that were humbled shall greatly rejoice.

Turn Your face from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with Your guiding Spirit.

I will teach transgressors Your ways, and the ungodly shall turn back to You.

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue shall greatly rejoice in Your righteousness.

O Lord, You shall open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise.

For if You desired sacrifice, I would give it; You will not be pleased with whole burnt offerings.

A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a broken and humbled heart God will not despise.

Do good, O Lord, in Your good pleasure to Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built.

Then You will be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with offerings and whole burnt offerings.

Then shall they offer young bulls on Your altar. And have mercy on me, O God. [SAAS]


At the intercession of the Apostles, O Lord of mercy, blot out my many offenses. [SD]

Both now.

At the intercession of the Theotokos, O Lord of mercy, blot out my many offenses. [SD]

Verse: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy; and according to the abundance of Your compassion, blot out my transgression.

Jesus, having risen from the grave as He foretold, has granted us eternal life and great mercy. [SD]


O God, save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Look upon Your world with mercy and compassion. Raise the Orthodox Christians in glory, and send down upon us Your rich mercies:

through the intercessions of our all-immaculate Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, the protection of the honorable, heavenly, bodiless powers, the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner John the Baptist, the holy, glorious, and praiseworthy apostles, our fathers among the saints, the great hierarchs and ecumenical teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril, and John the Merciful, patriarchs of Alexandria, Nicholas, bishop of Myra, Spyridon, bishop of Trimythous, Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonderworkers; the holy, glorious, great martyrs George the triumphant, Demetrios the myrrh-streamer, Theodore the soldier, and Theodore the general; Menas the wonderworker; Charalambos and Eleutherios, the hieromartyrs; the holy, glorious, and victorious martyrs; the glorious great Martyr and all-laudable Euphemia; the holy and glorious Martyrs Thecla, Barbara, Anastasia, Katherine, Kyriake, Fotene, Marina, Paraskeve and Irene; our venerable and God-bearing fathers; (local patron saint); holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna; and all Your saints:

We beseech you, only merciful Lord, hear us sinners who pray to you and have mercy on us.


Lord, have mercy. (12)


Through the mercy, compassion, and love for humankind of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, and Your all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Ode 1: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -


Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode i. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Νεύσει σοῦ πρὸς γεώδη.

Lord, at Your divine signal, the fluid streams of the Red Sea * became solid walls, as they were held back by a mighty wind. * Israel passed over dry-shod; * and they sang the victory song unto You, O God. [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

The tyranny of death has been judged through a tree, O Savior, * for You, Lord, had been condemned to unjust death and crucified. * Therefore the ruler of darkness * justly was cast out, having no power over You. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Hades with death assaulted You, but its teeth had no power * to shatter Your sinless body, but instead its jaws were crushed. * When You, O Lord, loosed and ended * pangs of death, You rose within three days, O Savior Christ. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


Loosed are the pain and sorrow of Eve our ancestral mother. * For you without seed conceived and gave birth without labor pains. * Knowing from this, O all-pure one, * that you are the Mother of God, we all glorify you. [SD]

Ode 1: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

I open my mouth and pray the Spirit fill it, like David said, * to pour out a good word to the Queen and Mother of God. * I will celebrate * her feast with joy and gladness * and sing to her merrily, lauding her Dormition. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

O virgins and maidens come, and with the prophetess Miriam * sing a funeral anthem now and cry aloud with joy. * For the virgin Maid * and only Theotokos * is being conveyed unto * a heavenly repose. [SD]


O virgins and maidens come, and with the prophetess Miriam * sing a funeral anthem now and cry aloud with joy. * For the virgin Maid * and only Theotokos * is being conveyed unto * a heavenly repose. [SD]

Both now.

Divine and celestial dwellings received you befittingly, * since you are the animate heaven, O Lady pure. * And you stood adorned * and gorgeously appareled * as a wholly blameless bride * beside our King and God. [SD]

Ode 1: Katavasia

Ode i. Katavasia. Mode 1.

Adorned with glory divine, O Virgin, * is your most sacred and illustrious memorial, * gathering the faithful all together joyfully to sing * in processions led by Mariam, with timbrels and dancing, * to your Only-begotten Son. * For He has been greatly glorified. [GOASD]

Ode 3: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode iii. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Ὁ κατʼ ἀρχὰς τοὺς οὐρανούς.

First You established by Your Word, by Your omnipotent Logos, * the heavens, O Savior, and You made * all their host by Your divine omnificent Spirit, as the breath of Your mouth. * I pray You, on the unshaken rock of Your confession, Lord, establish me. [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Merciful Savior, You went up onto the Cross and You suffered * pains and sorrows willingly for us. * The wound that You bore became the cause of peace and of salvation for us all; * and by it we the believers have been reconciled to Your Father, O Christ. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

The dragon bit my soul of old; it caused a wound that had festered. * You have disinfected it, O Christ. * When I had been dwelling in the darkness and corruption, You showed me the light; * for You descended to Hades through the Cross, and with yourself You raised me up. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


O Savior Christ, at the entreaties of Your ever-virgin Mother, * give the world the precious prize of peace; * keep our country safe from foreign enemies and from ungodliness within; * grant Your ineffable glory to us who extol You and sing glory to You. [SD]

Ode 3: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

Establish your servants who extol you, * O Mother of God, for they have formed * a spiritual choir for you * the living and abundant fount; * in your august Dormition now also give glorious crowns to them. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

You sprang forth from mortal loins, O pure one, * and therefore your subsequent decease * was naturally appropriate. * But since you had yourself brought forth * true Life Himself, you therefore passed * unto divine, hypostatic life. [SD]


You sprang forth from mortal loins, O pure one, * and therefore your subsequent decease * was naturally appropriate. * But since you had yourself brought forth * true Life Himself, you therefore passed * unto divine, hypostatic life. [SD]

Both now.

By virtue of the almighty summons, * the choir of Divines from all the earth, * O Lady, and the multitude * of Angels from the heavens hied * to Zion, there to minister * at your interment, by duty bound. [SD]

Ode 3: Katavasia

Ode iii. Katavasia. Mode 1.

O Wisdom of our God and His Power that has created * and is sustaining the universe, * reinforce Your Church, O Christ, * preserving her unshaken and unmoved. * For You alone are holy, * O Lord, and You repose in Your holy ones. [GOASD]

Ode 3: Short Litany


Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For You are our God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Secondary Kontakion


From Menaion - - -

Kontakion of the Feast.

Mode pl. 2. Automelon.

Τὴν ἐν πρεσβείαις.

The Theotokos is undying in intercession.* Immovable is our hope in her for protection. * Neither death nor burial prevailed over her. * As she is Mother of Life, she was removed to life by Him, * the Lord who lived in her ever-virgin womb. [SD]

Mid-Ode Kathisma or Hypakoe



From Menaion - - -

Mode 4. Joseph marveled.

You have given up your soul into the hands of your God * and Creator who for us became incarnate from you. * And He transported it from earth to immortal life. * Thus with due respect we pronounce you blest, * for you alone are pure and immaculate. * And as we all confess that you are truly * the Theotokos, we cry aloud: * To Christ, to whom you have been transported, * pray that He will save our souls. [SD]

Ode 4: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode iv. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Ὁ Πατρικοὺς κόλπους.

O Christ our God, You did not depart * Your Father’s bosom when You descended to the earth. * I have heard about the mystery of Your plan to save us all, * and I glorify You, O benevolent Lord. [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Giving His back willingly to whips, * the Lord, incarnate of the Virgin, physically felt * painful torments, being innocent, * as Master dismissing all accusations of sin against me His slave. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

The One who stood trial and was judged * guilty by judges who were not keeping their own laws, * and was also struck with a hand of clay, * is the One who fashioned man, * being God, who righteously judges the earth. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


Being in truth Mother of our God, * implore your Maker and your Son on my behalf, * that He steer me to His glorious will, * my soul to an anchorage, * that is my salvation, O all-blameless one. [SD]

Ode 4: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

When the Prophet Habakkuk heard the divine * and incomprehensible counsel of Your Incarnation * from the Virgin, O Most High, * considering, he cried aloud: * Glory to Your strength, O Lord my God. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

It was quite amazing for one to behold * the animate heaven of the King of all * descending into the recesses of the earth. * How wondrous are Your works indeed! * Glory to Your strength, O Lord our God. [SD]


During your Assumption, O Mother of God, * regiments of Angels in fear and joy * together spread out their most sacred wings above * your body that was known to be * most capacious, for it had hosted God. [SD]

Both now.

If her inconceivable Offspring, for whom * she was made a heaven, did willingly * submit to burial as a mortal, then how * can she, who knew no man and yet * gave birth unto Him, reject burial? [SD]

Ode 4: Katavasia

Ode iv. Katavasia. Mode 1.

Sayings of the Prophets and mysteries * revealed Your incarnation from a Virgin mystically, O Christ: * that Your lightning’s brightness as light for Gentiles would emanate. * The abyss calls out to You with a voice of gladness: * To Your strength be glory, benevolent Lord! [GOASD]

Ode 5: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode v. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Νὺξ ἀφεγγής.

For unbelievers, delight is dark night; * but for believers, the light is in delighting in Your words, O Christ. * And so I rise early in the morning to sing in praise of Your divinity. [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

For us Your slaves, You were paid for, O Christ, * and You endured to be struck, * which led to liberty for us who sing, * “I rise early in the morning to sing in praise of Your divinity.” [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

O Savior Christ, by Your power as God, * and through the weakness of flesh, You beat the strong man, namely the devil; * and You have shown that I am victorious over death, by resurrecting me. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


O Mother pure, you gave birth to our God. * He was incarnate of you in a manner befitting God. * You knew no man, O all-lauded Virgin, yet by the Holy Spirit you conceived. [SD]

Ode 5: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

Amazed was the universe by your divine magnificence. * For you were from earth below translated, * O unwed Virgin, to the eternal abodes, * and carried to never ending life, * awarding salvation to * all who chant hymns of praise to you. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

Today, let the clarions of the divine Apostles ring; * and let all the languages of mankind * sing in laudation; and let the air resound, * aglow with illimitable light; * and let Angels chant the praise * of the Virgin’s august repose. [SD]


Today, let the clarions of the divine Apostles ring; * and let all the languages of mankind * sing in laudation; and let the air resound, * aglow with illimitable light; * and let Angels chant the praise * of the Virgin’s august repose. [SD]

Both now.

O Virgin, that chosen vessel, consecrated unto God, * wholly rapt and totally ecstatic, * in weaving hymns unto you outdid himself, * all-laudable Mother of our God, * and proved to be God-inspired * both in fact and appearances. [SD]

Ode 5: Katavasia

Ode v. Katavasia. Mode 1.

O Christ, I shall tell of Your virtues * and of their beauty, divine and ineffable: * As coeternal and hypostatic radiance * you shone from glory eternal; and coming forth * incarnate from the Virgin’s womb, * You have risen as a Sun * on those in darkness and in the shadow of death. [GOASD]

Ode 6: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode vi. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Ναυτιῶν τῷ σάλῳ.

I was feeling nauseous from mundane tempestuous worries. * My sins, as if shipmates, threw me overboard into the maw of the beast that devours souls. * Now, like Prophet Jonah, I am praying, * “From this deathly Pit bring up my life, O Christ my God.” [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

The souls of the righteous, shut up in the belly of Hades, * remembered You, even as they were fainting. * Like Prophet Jonah they prayed for deliverance, * which, being compassionate, You granted, * when You went yourself into the netherworld, O Christ. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Your Apostles lost hope that they would again see the living * temple of Your body not made by human hands, * which, as they thought, was destroyed by Your sufferings. * Then beyond all hope they saw You risen; * and when they had worshiped You, they preached You everywhere. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


Bride of God and Virgin, no human is able to explain * the manner of your all blameless childbirth * for our salvation, for it is ineffable. * Uniting with you, the divine Logos * became flesh from you and yet remained uncircumscribed. [SD]

Ode 6: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

O godly-minded believers, come * and celebrate this sacred and venerable feast and thus extol * the Theotokos, and clap our hands, * and glorify our God who was truly born of her. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

O Lady, Life had from you sprung forth * without disrupting seals of virginity. Therefore, how was it that * your spotless body, the source of life, * participated in the experience of death? [SD]


O Lady, Life had from you sprung forth * without disrupting seals of virginity. Therefore, how was it that * your spotless body, the source of life, * participated in the experience of death? [SD]

Both now.

Being the temple of life itself, * you therefore have obtained everlasting life, O Mother of our God. * For you have passed on to life through death, * O Lady who gave birth unto hypostatic Life. [SD]

Ode 6: Katavasia

Ode vi. Katavasia. Mode 1.

Briny and born of the deep, * the fire in the maw of the whale * was a prefiguring of Your three-daylong burial; * and of this figure was Jonah the interpreter. * For, preserved unscathed as before he was swallowed up, he cried out: * I shall sacrifice to You with a voice of praise, O Lord. [GOASD]

Ode 6: Short Litany


Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For You are the King of peace and the savior of our souls, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Principal Kontakion and Synaxarion


From Octoechos - - -

Resurrectional Kontakion.

No longer will the power of death be able to detain human beings. For Christ went down and crushed it and destroyed all its forces. Hades is shackled, and the Prophets in unison rejoice and proclaim, “The Savior has come to those in darkness. Come out now, believers, to the resurrection!” [GOASD]


The netherworld below was trembling today, Hades and death, before One of the Trinity. Earth shook, and when they saw You, the doorkeepers of Hades quaked. Now all creation, along with the Prophets, rejoices and sings You an ode of triumph, O God our redeemer, who now destroyed the force of death. And let us shout aloud to Adam and his descendants, “A tree brought him in. Come out now, believers, to the resurrection!” [GOASD]

Stand for the reading of the Synaxarion.


From the Menaion.

On August 18, we commemorate the holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus.

By the intercessions of Your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Ode 7: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -


Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode vii. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Κάμινον Παῖδες.

The fiery furnace turned moist and dew-laden, when the Servants were cast therein, * and they extolled the one God, and they sang to Him, * “O highly exalted God of our fathers and exceedingly glorious.” [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Adam was slain through a tree, for he acted in disobedience willfully. * He was refashioned by Christ’s full obedience; * for the highly glorified Son of God was crucified on a tree for me. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

When You arose from the tomb, all creation extolled You, Christ, highly glorified. * To those in Hades You brought forth eternal life, * resurrection to the dead; and on those who sat in darkness You shined the light. [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


Rejoice, O daughter of Adam the mortal! Rejoice, unique virgin Bride of God! * Rejoice! Through you has corruption been ostracized. * Truly you gave birth to God. O pure Lady, implore your Son to save us all. [SD]

Ode 7: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

Godly-minded three * did not adore created things in the Creator’s stead; * rather, disdaining the threat * of fire, they trampled it, and joyfully they sang: * “O supremely praised * and most exalted Lord and God * of the fathers, You are blessed.” [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

O kings of the earth * with princes and the judges all, * young men and virgins too, * along with elders, come * and honor the mem’ry of the virgin Mother of God, * and melodiously * together sing: O Lord and God * of the fathers, You are blessed. [SD]


With the trumpets of * the Spirit, let celestial * mountains now trumpet forth; * and let the heavenly hills * exult now; and let divine Apostles leap for joy. * For the Queen of all * is going over to her Son, * there to reign with Him forever. [SD]

Both now.

The all-sacred day * of the Assumption of Your own * divine and undefiled * Mother, O Lord, has convened * the extraterrestrial orders of hosts on high * to rejoice with them * who sing to You on earth: O God * of the fathers, You are blessed. [SD]

Ode 7: Katavasia

Ode vii. Katavasia. Mode 1.

Counterposed against audacious ire * and the furnace’s fire, the love for God * made the fire cool as dew, * while the ire it derided, * counteracting in the midst * of flames the musical organs with the three-toned, rational, * God-inspired lyre, * the three holy Servants chanting: Lord our God, * You are glorified, O God * of our fathers, You are blessed. [GOASD]

Ode 8: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode viii. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Ἄφλεκτος πυρί.

Unconsumed by fire was the burning bush on Sinai, * revealing God to Prophet Moses, who was weak in speech and slow of tongue. * And zeal for God kept the three Young Men unscathed by fire and led them to compose the hymn: * “O all you works of the Lord, sing a hymn to the Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.” [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

When the Lamb of God, who is rational and spotless, * was slaughtered for the world, He ended sacrifice according to the Law, * for He is God without sin, and thus He purified the world, which now forever sings: * “O all you works of the Lord, sing a hymn to the Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.” [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Prior to His Passion, our flesh that our Creator assumed was not incorruptible. * After His suffering and rising, it was rendered inaccessible to corruption; * it renews mortals who sing to Him: * “O all you works of the Lord, sing a hymn to the Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.” [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


Since you were most pure and all-blameless, holy Virgin, * the Lord was born of you, and He washed away the unsightly filth of the world. * All-pure Mother, therefore we call you the cause of our reconciliation to God. * All generations now bless you, O Virgin Theotokos, * and exalt you beyond measure, unto all the ages. [SD]

Ode 8: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

Guiltless were those Servants in the furnace. * The Son of the Theotokos went and rescued them. * He who was prefigured then, * having been incarnate now, * is gathering the whole wide world into His Church to sing: * “O all you works of the Lord, to all ages * sing praises to the Lord and exalt Him beyond measure.” [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

Angels, O pure Virgin, and Dominions, * Archangels and Thrones and Principalities, * Powers and Authorities * glorify your memory * together with the Cherubim and awesome Seraphim; * and we, the race of mankind, supremely * exalting it extol you in hymns unto the ages. [SD]


He, O Theotokos, who had strangely * abode in your purest womb as He was taking flesh, * now as an indebted Son, * having come himself, received * your wholly sacred soul, and He reposed it with himself. * And therefore, we supremely exalt you, * O Virgin, and extol you in hymns unto the ages. [SD]

Both now.

Beyond understanding are the wonders * of God’s ever-virgin Mother, and ineffable! * For she made a paradise * of the tomb wherein she lay. * And as we stand thereat today, we all are filled with joy * and sing the hymn: O praise and supremely * exalt the Lord, O all you His works, unto the ages. [SD]

Ode 8: Katavasia

Ode viii. Katavasia. Mode 1.

We praise and we bless and we worship the Lord.

Unto the Servants in the furnace, * God’s almighty Angel showed a flame * burning the impious, but the saints * cooling as with dew. * Into a life-welling fountain He has made the Theotokos, * gushing destruction upon death, but life to those who sing the hymn: * We who have been redeemed chant in praise of the only Creator, * exalting Him supremely unto all the ages. [GOASD]

Kontakia and Synaxarion


From Menaion - - -

Kontakion of the Feast.

Mode pl. 2. Automelon.

Τὴν ἐν πρεσβείαις.

The Theotokos is undying in intercession.* Immovable is our hope in her for protection. * Neither death nor burial prevailed over her. * As she is Mother of Life, she was removed to life by Him, * the Lord who lived in her ever-virgin womb. [SD]

From Octoechos - - -

Resurrectional Kontakion.

No longer will the power of death be able to detain human beings. For Christ went down and crushed it and destroyed all its forces. Hades is shackled, and the Prophets in unison rejoice and proclaim, “The Savior has come to those in darkness. Come out now, believers, to the resurrection!” [GOASD]


The netherworld below was trembling today, Hades and death, before One of the Trinity. Earth shook, and when they saw You, the doorkeepers of Hades quaked. Now all creation, along with the Prophets, rejoices and sings You an ode of triumph, O God our redeemer, who now destroyed the force of death. And let us shout aloud to Adam and his descendants, “A tree brought him in. Come out now, believers, to the resurrection!” [GOASD]

Stand for the reading of the Synaxarion.


From the Menaion.

On August 18, we commemorate the holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus.

By the intercessions of Your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Katavasias Odes 1-8


Katavasias of Dormition

Ode i. Mode 1.

Adorned with glory divine, O Virgin, * is your most sacred and illustrious memorial, * gathering the faithful all together joyfully to sing * in processions led by Mariam, with timbrels and dancing, * to your Only-begotten Son. * For He has been greatly glorified. [GOASD]

Ode iii.

O Wisdom of our God and His Power that has created * and is sustaining the universe, * reinforce Your Church, O Christ, * preserving her unshaken and unmoved. * For You alone are holy, * O Lord, and You repose in Your holy ones. [GOASD]

Ode iv.

Sayings of the Prophets and mysteries * revealed Your incarnation from a Virgin mystically, O Christ: * that Your lightning’s brightness as light for Gentiles would emanate. * The abyss calls out to You with a voice of gladness: * To Your strength be glory, benevolent Lord! [GOASD]

Ode v.

O Christ, I shall tell of Your virtues * and of their beauty, divine and ineffable: * As coeternal and hypostatic radiance * you shone from glory eternal; and coming forth * incarnate from the Virgin’s womb, * You have risen as a Sun * on those in darkness and in the shadow of death. [GOASD]

Ode vi.

Briny and born of the deep, * the fire in the maw of the whale * was a prefiguring of Your three-daylong burial; * and of this figure was Jonah the interpreter. * For, preserved unscathed as before he was swallowed up, he cried out: * I shall sacrifice to You with a voice of praise, O Lord. [GOASD]

Ode vii.

Counterposed against audacious ire * and the furnace’s fire, the love for God * made the fire cool as dew, * while the ire it derided, * counteracting in the midst * of flames the musical organs with the three-toned, rational, * God-inspired lyre, * the three holy Servants chanting: Lord our God, * You are glorified, O God * of our fathers, You are blessed. [GOASD]

Ode viii.

We praise and we bless and we worship the Lord.

Unto the Servants in the furnace, * God’s almighty Angel showed a flame * burning the impious, but the saints * cooling as with dew. * Into a life-welling fountain He has made the Theotokos, * gushing destruction upon death, but life to those who sing the hymn: * We who have been redeemed chant in praise of the only Creator, * exalting Him supremely unto all the ages. [GOASD]

Eothinon Gospel (EP / GOA)

Stand for the Gospel reading.

DEACON: Let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


For You, our God, are holy, and You rest among the holy ones, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Mode 2.

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. (2) Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. [SAAS]


Let us pray to the Lord our God that we may be made worthy to hear the holy Gospel.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy. (3)


Wisdom. Arise. Let us hear the holy Gospel.

PRIEST: Peace be with all.

CHOIR: And with your spirit.


The reading is from the holy Gospel according to John.

DEACON: Let us be attentive.


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

PRIEST (from the altar table)

Eothinon 8

John. 20:11 – 18

At that time, Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus has lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” Saying this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabboni,” which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and she told them that he had said these things to her. [RSV]


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.


Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. Your Cross, O Christ, we venerate, and Your holy Resurrection we praise and glorify. For You are our God; apart from You we know no other; we call upon Your name. Come, all faithful, let us venerate the holy Resurrection of Christ; for behold, through the Cross, joy has come to the whole world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us praise His Resurrection; for having endured the Cross for us, He destroyed death by death. [GOA]


Psalm 50 (51).

Mode 2. (or the Mode of the week)

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy; and according to the abundance of Your compassion, blot out my transgression.

Wash me thoroughly from my lawlessness and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my lawlessness, and my sin is always before me.

Against You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight; that You may be justified in Your words, and overcome when You are judged.

For behold, I was conceived in transgressions, and in sins my mother bore me.

Behold, You love truth; You showed me the unknown and secret things of Your wisdom.

You shall sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; You shall wash me, and I will be made whiter than snow.

You shall make me hear joy and gladness; my bones that were humbled shall greatly rejoice.

Turn Your face from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with Your guiding Spirit.

I will teach transgressors Your ways, and the ungodly shall turn back to You.

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue shall greatly rejoice in Your righteousness.

O Lord, You shall open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise.

For if You desired sacrifice, I would give it; You will not be pleased with whole burnt offerings.

A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a broken and humbled heart God will not despise.

Do good, O Lord, in Your good pleasure to Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built.

Then You will be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with offerings and whole burnt offerings.

Then shall they offer young bulls on Your altar. And have mercy on me, O God. [SAAS]


At the intercession of the Apostles, O Lord of mercy, blot out my many offenses. [SD]

Both now.

At the intercession of the Theotokos, O Lord of mercy, blot out my many offenses. [SD]

Verse: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy; and according to the abundance of Your compassion, blot out my transgression.

Jesus, having risen from the grave as He foretold, has granted us eternal life and great mercy. [SD]


O God, save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Look upon Your world with mercy and compassion. Raise the Orthodox Christians in glory, and send down upon us Your rich mercies:

through the intercessions of our all-immaculate Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, the protection of the honorable, heavenly, bodiless powers, the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner John the Baptist, the holy, glorious, and praiseworthy apostles, our fathers among the saints, the great hierarchs and ecumenical teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril, and John the Merciful, patriarchs of Alexandria, Nicholas, bishop of Myra, Spyridon, bishop of Trimythous, Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonderworkers; the holy, glorious, great martyrs George the triumphant, Demetrios the myrrh-streamer, Theodore the soldier, and Theodore the general; Menas the wonderworker; Charalambos and Eleutherios, the hieromartyrs; the holy, glorious, and victorious martyrs; the glorious great Martyr and all-laudable Euphemia; the holy and glorious Martyrs Thecla, Barbara, Anastasia, Katherine, Kyriake, Fotene, Marina, Paraskeve and Irene; our venerable and God-bearing fathers; (local patron saint); holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna; and all Your saints:

We beseech you, only merciful Lord, hear us sinners who pray to you and have mercy on us.


Lord, have mercy. (12)


Through the mercy, compassion, and love for humankind of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, and Your all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Stand for the singing of Ode ix.


Let us honor and magnify in song the Theotokos and the Mother of the light.


Magnificat: Mode of Canon

Ode ix.

The Magnificat. Grave Mode.

Verse: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Ode 9: Octoechos: Canon-1

From Octoechos - - -

Canon for the Resurrection.

Ode ix. Grave Mode. Heirmos.

Μὴ τῆς φθορᾶς.

When you conceived, you experienced no deflowerment. * You lent your flesh to the Logos, through whom all things were made. * Therefore we magnify you, Virgin Theotokos, * Mother who knew no man, space and holder of your Maker, who is uncontainable and infinite. [SD]


Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

All you professors of doctrines that are not Orthodox, * who to the Godhead attribute suffering, shut your mouths! * He is the Lord of glory, crucified in body, * but not in divine nature. And so we magnify Him in natures two, the one hypostasis. [SD]

Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Go to the tomb of the Savior, all you who would reject * the resurrection of bodies, and be instructed there. * See that the flesh of Christ the Life-giver, which truly had died, has truly risen, * confirming thus the final resurrection, for which we surely hope. [SD]

Holy Trinity, our God, have mercy on us and save us.

For the Trinity.

Not in a Triad of godheads but of hypostases, * not in a Monad of persons but of Divinity, do we believe. * We cut off those who would divide It, * and mix together all who would attribute confusion to the Trinity, which we magnify. [SD]

Ode 9: Menaion: Canon-1

Canon 2 of the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Heirmos. Mode 4.

Angels at the Dormition of the Virgin were struck with wonder as they saw how the Virgin departed from the earth into the heavens.

All you born on earth, * with festival lamps in hand, in spirit leap for joy; * and all you the heavenly angelic orders, join in and celebrate; * and honor the august Assumption of the Mother of God; * sing the joyful salutation, “O rejoice, * Theotokos, all-blest, ever-virgin pure!” [SD]

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.

Angels at the Dormition of the Virgin were struck with wonder as they saw how the Virgin departed from the earth into the heavens.

O believers all, * come, let us behold on Zion -- that divine and rich * mountain of the living God -- * the Theotokos, and joyfully exalt. * For into the superior by far and more divine * Tabernacle and Holy of Holies on high, * as His Mother is Christ now translating her. [SD]


Angels at the Dormition of the Virgin were struck with wonder as they saw how the Virgin departed from the earth into the heavens.

O believers, come, * let us go unto the tomb of the Mother of God * and embrace it longingly, * and with sincerity touch it with our lips * and eyes and foreheads of our hearts, and we shall then obtain * from that ever-welling fountain the divine * gifts of healing that issue abundantly. [SD]

Both now.

Angels at the Dormition of the Virgin were struck with wonder as they saw how the Virgin departed from the earth into the heavens.

Now accept from us * this burial hymn, O Mother of the living God; * and with your most luminous * and holy grace overshadow us; and grant * success unto our rulers, peace unto your Christ-loving flock, * and forgiveness, and salvation of their souls * unto those who are chanting this hymn to you. [SD]

Magnificat: Mode of Katavasia

Ode ix.

The Magnificat. Mode 1.

Verse: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Verse: He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever. [NKJV]

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify. [GOASD]

Ode 9: Katavasia

Ode ix. Katavasia. Mode 1.

Now all generations call you blessed, O only Theotokos.

In you the laws of nature are defeated,* O undefiled Virgin pure. * In virginity childbirth was accomplished, and death introduces life. * You, after bearing, are virgin, and after dying are living. * Mother of God, * ever save your inheritance. [GOASD]


Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For all the powers of heaven praise You, and to You they offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.


Mode 2.

Holy is the Lord our God. [SAAS] (2)

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at the footstool of His feet.

For He is holy.

From Octoechos - - -


Eothinon 8.

Mode 2. Let us in faith.

Τοῖς Μαθηταῖς συνέλθωμεν.

Amazed was Mary Magdalene, * seeing two Angels sitting * inside the tomb. Then unaware * that it was Christ, she asked Him, * “Tell me, sir, where have you taken * the body of my Jesus?” * as if He were the gardener. * He said her name, and then she recognized Him; * and she heard the Savior say, “Do not touch me. * Go, tell my brethren that I am * ascending to our Father.” [GOASD]

For the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Mode 3. Automelon.

Ἀπόστολοι ἐκ περάτων.

Apostles, you have assembled * from every corner of the earth * here in Gethsemane today; * now come and bury my body. * And You, my Son and my God, * receive my departing spirit. [SD]

Lauds. Grave Mode.

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest. It is fitting to sing a hymn to You, O God. [SAAS]

Praise Him, all you His angels; praise Him, all you His hosts. It is fitting to sing a hymn to You, O God. [SAAS]

Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you stars and light.

Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, and you waters above the heavens. Let them praise the Lord’s name.

For He spoke, and they were made; He commanded, and they were created.

He established them forever and unto ages of ages; He set forth His ordinance, and it shall not pass away.

Praise the Lord from the earth, you dragons and all the deeps.

Fire and hail, snow and ice, stormy wind, which perform His word.

Mountains and all the hills, fruitful trees and all cedars.

Wild animals and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds.

Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth.

Young men and maidens, elders with younger, let them praise the Lord’s name, for His name alone is exalted.

His thanksgiving is in earth and heaven. And He shall exalt the horn of His people.

A hymn for all His saints, for the children of Israel, a people who draw near to Him.

Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of His holy ones.

Let Israel be glad in Him who made him, and let the children of Zion greatly rejoice in their King.

Let them praise His name with dance; with tambourine and harp let them sing to Him.

For the Lord is pleased with His people, and He shall exalt the gentle with salvation.

The holy ones shall boast in glory, and they shall greatly rejoice on their beds.

The high praise of God shall be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand.

To deal retribution to the nations, reproving among the peoples.

To shackle their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.

From Octoechos - - -

Resurrectional Stichera.

Grave Mode.

To fulfill among them the written judgment: this glory have all His holy ones. [SAAS]

Christ has risen from the dead, having loosed the bonds of death. O earth, proclaim the good news of great joy! You heavens, praise the glory of God! [GOASD]

Grave Mode.

Praise God in His saints; praise Him in the firmament of His power. [SAAS]

Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord, Jesus, the only sinless One. [GOASD]

Grave Mode.

Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness. [SAAS]

We never cease to honor the resurrection of Christ; for it was He who saved us from our transgressions. Holy is the Lord, Jesus, who showed us resurrection. [GOASD]

Grave Mode.

Praise Him with the sound of trumpet; praise Him with the harp and lyre. [SAAS]

What shall we give back to the Lord for all He rendered to us? For us, God lived among men. For human nature that was damaged, the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us. To the ungrateful He is the Benefactor; to the captives, the Liberator; to those who sat in darkness, the Sun of Righteousness. He who is dispassionate suffered on the cross; He who is the Light shone in Hades; He who is the Life trampled death. For the fallen He is the resurrection. Let us cry aloud to Him, “Glory to You our God!” [GOASD]

For the Feast.

From Menaion - - -

Mode 4. To a brave one.

Ὡς γενναῖον ἐν Μάρτυσι.

Praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with strings and flute. [SAAS]

Your Dormition is glorious. * All in heaven are jubilant, * and the hosts of Angels are joining us on earth, * as we rejoice celebrating it * and sing with exultant joy * sacred funerary hymns * to you, Mother of Christ our God, who is Lord of all. * O all-holy and ever-virgin Lady, from hereditary judgment * you have delivered humanity. [SD]

Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with triumphant cymbals; let everything that breathes praise the Lord. [SAAS]

Your Dormition is glorious. * All in heaven are jubilant, * and the hosts of Angels are joining us on earth, * as we rejoice celebrating it * and sing with exultant joy * sacred funerary hymns * to you, Mother of Christ our God, who is Lord of all. * O all-holy and ever-virgin Lady, from hereditary judgment * you have delivered humanity. [SD]

Verse: Arise, O Lord, into Your rest, You and the ark of Your holiness. [SAAS]

From the ends of the earth arrived * the all-holy and prominent * Apostles to bury you, by divine command. * And when they saw you were taken up * from earth to the heights above, * they rejoiced and sang the word * that the Archangel Gabriel said to you, “Rejoice! * You are God’s holy chariot. Rejoice! The only woman who in childbirth * united earth with the things on high!” [SD]

Verse: The Lord swore to David this truth, and He shall not reject it, “I shall set upon your throne one from the fruit of your loins.” [SAAS]

You the Mother of Life himself * have passed on to immortal life * by your most exalted Dormition on this day, * when all the Angels escorted you, * Powers, Principalities, * Prophets and Apostles too, * the entire created world; * while your Son and God * with His own undefiled hands accepted your all-blameless soul, O Lady, * His Virgin Mother, the Bride of God. [SD]

From Octoechos - - -

Glory. Mode pl. 4.

Eothinon 8.

When Mary ardently shed her tears, it was not in vain. Behold, she was counted worthy of having angels teach her, and of laying eyes on You, O Jesus. But, as a weak woman, her thinking was still earthbound, and therefore she was prevented from laying hands on You, O Christ. Nevertheless, she was sent as a herald to Your disciples; and she told them the good news, and announced that You were ascending to Your Father. O Master, we pray that as with her You also make us worthy of Your appearance, O Lord. [GOASD]

Both now. Theotokion.

You are supremely blessed, O Virgin Theotokos. For through Him who from you became incarnate, Hades has been captured, and Adam has been called back; the curse has been killed, and Eve has been freed; death has been put to death, and we have been brought back to life. Therefore we extol Him and cry out, “O Christ our God, You are blessed, for so was Your good pleasure. Glory to You!” [GOASD]

Stand for the Great Doxology.

Great Doxology

Glory be to You who showed the light. Glory in the highest to God. His peace is on earth, His good pleasure in mankind. [SD]

We praise You, we bless You, we worship You, we glorify You, we give thanks to You for Your great glory.

Lord King, heavenly God, Father, Ruler over all; Lord, only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; and You, O Holy Spirit.

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us, You who take away the sins of the world.

Accept our supplication, You who sit at the right hand of the Father, and have mercy on us.

For You alone are holy, You alone are Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Every day I will bless You, and Your name will I praise to eternity, and to the ages of ages.

Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day, that we be kept without sin.

Blessed are You, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Your name to the ages. Amen.

Let Your mercy be on us, O Lord, as we have set our hope on You.

Blessed are You, O Lord. Teach me Your statutes.

Blessed are You, O Lord. Teach me Your statutes.

Blessed are You, O Lord. Teach me Your statutes.

Lord, You have been our refuge from generation to generation. I said: Lord, have mercy on me. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.

Lord, I have fled to You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God.

For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we shall see light.

Continue Your mercy to those who know You.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

After the Doxology, sing the following Resurrectional Troparion.

Mode 4. (or the Mode of the week)

Today has salvation come to pass in the world. Let us sing to Him who resurrected from the tomb and is the Author of our life. For, destroying death by death, He gave us the victory and the great mercy. [SD]

Litanies, End, no Dismissal



Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.

CHOIR (after each petition)

Lord, have mercy. (3)


Again we pray for pious and Orthodox Christians.

Again we pray for our Archbishop (name).

Again we pray for our brethren: the priests, the hieromonks, the deacons, the monastics, and all our brotherhood in Christ.

Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, protection, forgiveness, and remission of the sins of the servants of God, all pious Orthodox Christians residing and visiting in this city: the parishioners, the members of the parish council, the stewards, and benefactors of this holy church.

Again we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this holy church, and for all our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep before us, who here have been piously laid to their rest, as well as the Orthodox everywhere.

Again we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all-venerable church, for those who labor and those who sing, and for the people here present who await Your great and rich mercy.


For You are merciful and benevolent God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.



Let us complete our morning prayer to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


That the whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.

CHOIR (after each petition)

Grant this, O Lord.


For an angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.

For pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask the Lord.

For that which is good and beneficial for our souls, and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.

That we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.

And let us ask for a Christian end to our life, peaceful, without shame and suffering, and for a good defense before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.

Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For You are the God of mercy and compassion and love for humankind, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

PRIEST: Peace be with all.

CHOIR: And with your spirit.


Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.

PRIEST (in a low voice)

Holy Lord, who dwell in the highest and look upon the humble and observe all creation with Your all-seeing eye, to You we bow the neck of soul and body, and we pray You, Holy of holies: Extend Your invisible hand from Your holy heavens and bless us all. And as good and benevolent God, forgive us any misdeeds we committed voluntarily or involuntarily, and grant us Your blessings in this world and in the next.

PRIEST (aloud)

For Yours it is to show mercy and to save us, O our God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

PRIEST: Wisdom.

READER: Father, bless!


Blessed is Christ our God, the One who is, always, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.


The Lord God make firm the holy and pure faith of the pious Orthodox Christians, together with the Holy and Great Church of Christ, our Sacred Archdiocese, [this Sacred Metropolis,] and this city, to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify.

Litanies and Dismissal



Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.

CHOIR (after each petition)

Lord, have mercy. (3)


Again we pray for pious and Orthodox Christians.

Again we pray for our Archbishop (name).

Again we pray for our brethren: the priests, the hieromonks, the deacons, the monastics, and all our brotherhood in Christ.

Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, protection, forgiveness, and remission of the sins of the servants of God, all pious Orthodox Christians residing and visiting in this city: the parishioners, the members of the parish council, the stewards, and benefactors of this holy church.

Again we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this holy church, and for all our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep before us, who here have been piously laid to their rest, as well as the Orthodox everywhere.

Again we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all-venerable church, for those who labor and those who sing, and for the people here present who await Your great and rich mercy.


For You are merciful and benevolent God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.



Let us complete our morning prayer to the Lord.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

CHOIR: Lord, have mercy.


That the whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.

CHOIR (after each petition)

Grant this, O Lord.


For an angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.

For pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask the Lord.

For that which is good and beneficial for our souls, and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.

That we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.

And let us ask for a Christian end to our life, peaceful, without shame and suffering, and for a good defense before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.

Remembering our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.


For You are the God of mercy and compassion and love for humankind, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.

PRIEST: Peace be with all.

CHOIR: And with your spirit.


Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

CHOIR: To You, O Lord.

PRIEST (in a low voice)

Holy Lord, who dwell in the highest and look upon the humble and observe all creation with Your all-seeing eye, to You we bow the neck of soul and body, and we pray You, Holy of holies: Extend Your invisible hand from Your holy heavens and bless us all. And as good and benevolent God, forgive us any misdeeds we committed voluntarily or involuntarily, and grant us Your blessings in this world and in the next.

PRIEST (aloud)

For Yours it is to show mercy and to save us, O our God, and to You we offer up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages.

CHOIR: Amen.



( Father, bless! )

Blessed is Christ our God, the One who is, always, now and ever and to the ages of ages.




The Lord God make firm the holy and pure faith of the pious Orthodox Christians, together with the Holy and Great Church of Christ, our Sacred Archdiocese, [this Sacred Metropolis,] and this city, to the ages of ages.

( Amen. )

Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (3) Father, bless!



Glory to You, O Christ our God. Glory to You.

May He who rose from the dead, Christ our true God, through the intercessions of His all-pure and all-immaculate holy Mother, the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, the protection of the honorable, bodiless powers of heaven, the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner John the Baptist, of the holy, glorious, and praiseworthy apostles, of the holy, glorious, and triumphant martyrs, of our righteous and God-bearing fathers, (local patron saint); of the holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, and of all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, as He is good, benevolent, and merciful God.

Conclusion, i.e. “Through the prayers…”

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

