

Mode pl. 4.

I heard Your report…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

I heard Your report, O Lord, and was afraid and greatly astonished, * that You the eternal God, in counsel ineffable, * became incarnate and were born of the Virgin. * Glory to Your glory, O Christ! * Glory to Your strength, O Lord!

Virginity is a state…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

Virginity is a state alien to mothers, * and childbirth is foreign to those who are virgins. * But in you, Theotokos, have both of these been accomplished. * Indeed all generations everywhere * now call you blessed evermore.

Angels and you heavens…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

Angels and you heavens, bless Him who as King is carried on a glorious throne, * and who as God is glorified unceasingly. * Ever bless and extol Him, and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.

The rod of Moses…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

The rod of Moses working wonders once submerged Phar’onic charioteers * when it smote the waters * in the figure of a cross and thereby split the sea in two; * while it rescued on dry land wayfaring fugitive Israel, * which to God resoundingly sang a song.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

O ye people, let us raise a song…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

O ye people, let us raise a song to our God who works wonders, for He set Israel free from bondage; and with a hymn of victory let us cry aloud: ‘Let us sing to Thee, our only Master.’

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Let us sing a song to God, who delivered Israel from bitter slavery to Pharaoh, and who led them by a pillar of fire and a cloud of light; for He is glorified.

Come, all you peoples…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Come, all you peoples, let us sing to the Lord, * for in the Red Sea He destroyed * the Pharaoh''s army long ago. * Let us sing to Him a song * of triumph, for He was glorified.

Using the words of Moses…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Using the words of Moses * and the people, let us sing unto the Lord, * who led them through the Red Sea. * Only He is triumphantly glorified.

My transgressions…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

My transgressions and my sins, * like a tempest on the deep sea, afflict me * and forcibly compel me to the depths of despondency. * So I pray You to extend * Your mighty arm to me, as to Peter, * O God, my Pilot, and to rescue me.

I pray that You will grant…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

I pray that You will grant to me a bright * garment, O most merciful Lord, who cover yourself * with the light as with a garment, O Christ our God.

All hearers shuddered…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

All hearers shuddered when they heard * the unheard-of condescension of God to us: * that voluntarily * the Most High came down, and even bodily, * and from a Virgin’s womb was born, * becoming a man from her. * Hence, the immaculate * Theotokos we believers now magnify.

I have heard the report…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

I have heard the report, O Lord, * of Your incarnation, which is a mystery. * I considered Your astounding works, * and I glorified Your divinity.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

Lord, I heard Your report and I was afraid. I considered Your works, and I glorified Your dominion, O Master.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

The impious tyrant’s…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

The impious tyrant’s preposterous decree disturbed the populace, * breathing threats and blasphemous pronouncements hateful to God. * His brutal anger did not intimidate * the three Servants, nor did the consuming fire. * But when the dew-laden breeze whistled against the fire, they joined it and together sang, * “Blessed are You, O Lord. You are highly praised, O God, the God of our fathers.”

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

You mounted Your horses…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

You mounted Your horses, namely Your holy Apostles, O Lord, * and You guided them, holding their reins in Your hands. * And thus Your chariot became salvation for us all, * who are faithfully singing * unto You: Glory to Your strength, O Lord!

The tyrant king…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

The tyrant king of Babylon * had the furnace made seven times * hotter for the godly men, for he was furious. * But after he witnessed how * a higher power rescued them, * he cried out and said, “You Servants, bless the Creator; * sing hymns to the Redeemer, O you priests; and you people * exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.”

My heart exults…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

My heart exults and in the Lord firmly is established; * and in my God is my horn exalted; * and my mouth is open wide at my enemies, and in Your salvation I rejoice.

You three pious Servants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

You three pious Servants, * same in number as the Trinity, * bless God the Father, Maker of all; * sing a hymn to the Word who condescended * and who changed the fire in the furnace into dew; * as for the all-holy Spirit, who gives life to all, exalt Him * beyond measure unto the ages.

Blessed is He…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

Blessed is He who raised a horn of salvation in the house * of His servant David, as He spoke by the mouth * of Prophets, the Lord God of Israel. * The Day dawned upon us from on high, and He gave light and guided * our feet into the way of peace through His mercy.

The Prophet understood…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

The Prophet understood that You would be incarnate * from the Theotokos when he had considered * with divine vision, O Logos, the shaded mountain. * Afraid, he glorified Your power, O Lord.

The heavens were astounded…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

The heavens were astounded because of this, * and the ends of the earth were astonished, because God himself * bodily appeared to the human race, * O Theotokos, coming forth * from your virgin womb, which indeed became * more spacious than the heavens. * And therefore by the orders * of men and angels you are magnified.

Sovereign Lord our God…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

Sovereign Lord our God, * as the One who is benevolent, * with your commandments enlighten us, we pray; * and also grant us * Your peace with Your own uplifted arm.

The rod of Moses divided…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

The rod of Moses divided the sea of old, * and for the first time, the sun saw the ground beneath the sea. * As Israel passed over what had been impassable, * the enemy was drowned beneath the sea. * And then the people sang the song, * saying: “Let us sing to the Lord, * for He is greatly glorified.”

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ii.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ii.

See now, see that I am your God…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ii.

See now, see that I am your God, before all ages begotten from the Father, and in the last times conceived without man by the Virgin: and I have destroyed the sin of Adam the forefather in My love for mankind.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ii.

Be gracious to me…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

Be gracious to me, O Lord, * for many are my iniquities; * and bring me up from the depth of evils, I supplicate. * Like Jonah, I cry to You. * O my Savior, hear me, * as the God of my Deliverance.

Why reject me, Your servant…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

Why reject me, Your servant, * from before Your face, O Lord the light that never sets? * Miserable sinner that I am, now this strange darkness covers me. * Savior, I implore You to bring me back to Your commandments, * which are light, and I pray You to guide my ways.

O Lord our God, give peace…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

O Lord our God, give peace to us, for You have rendered all. * O Lord our God, we pray, take possession of us. * Lord, O Lord, we do not know any other God except for You, and we name Your name.

You are the Theotokos…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

You are the Theotokos * lit’rally, O Virgin; * and we confess it, for we have been saved through you * whom we, O pure one, with choirs of angels magnify.

We all magnify you as the Mother of the Light…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

We all magnify you as the Mother of the Light, * and we glorify you, O Virgin Theotokos, * as the one who gave birth * to the Savior of our souls, Jesus Christ.

We all magnify you as the Mother of our God…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

We all magnify you as the Mother of our God, * and we glorify you, O Virgin Theotokos, * as the one who gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

At the sound…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

At the sound of every kind of music, * multitudes of people fell and worshiped * the golden image in Dura. Three Servants, noncompliant, * extolled the Lord and praised Him, and they glorified Him unto all the ages.

Theotokos, you are mystical…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

Theotokos, you are mystical Paradise, * for without husbandry you have blossomed Christ, * by whom on earth the Cross, as a life-bearing tree, has been planted and watered. * As it is now exalted, * we adore Him and worship Him and magnify you.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

By Your grace those Servants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

By Your grace those Servants, * who adhered exceedingly to Your commandments, * once became the victors * over the tyrant * and the burning flame in the furnace and cried aloud: * Bless the Lord, O all you the works of the Lord, * and supremely exalt Him unto all the ages.

When Jonah…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

In the belly of the sea beast * the prophet Jonah prayed with his arms extended crosswise; * thus he clearly prefigured the saving Passion of Christ. * When after three days he emerged, * he was depicting the supernal resurrection from the dead * of Christ God, who was physically nailed to the Cross * and by His third-day arising illumined the universe.

O Lord, You saved…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

O Lord, You saved those Servants from the fire by an Angel, * and made the raging furnace be as though dewy refreshment. * We sing to You: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.

Eating the tree’s…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

Eating the tree’s forbidden fruit once * in Paradise brought death to the human race. * But through the Cross, today death has no effect, * because the curse that fell on the entire human race through mother Eve * was undone by the Offspring of the all pure Mother of God, who now is by all the hosts of heaven magnified.

You lit the world…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

You lit the world with knowledge * of God, and woke it from night-time of ignorance. * Lord, illumine me also * with the morning light of Your benevolence.

O Lord, You founded earth…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

O Lord, You founded earth in the beginning, * and by Your word the heavens were established. * Blessed are You unto all the ages. * O Lord, the God of our fathers, blessed are You.

With his spiritual eyes…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

With his spiritual eyes, the Prophet Habakkuk saw * in the future Your appearance on the earth, O Lord. * And therefore he cried out and said that God from Theman will surely come. * Glory to Your glory, O Christ! * Glory to Your condescension, O Lord!

In the waters…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

In the waters You lay the beams of upper chambers, O Christ. * For the sea You placed the sand as its bound. You hold all things in Your hand. * Sun and moon glorify, sing Your praise, and extol You. * Lord, to You the Maker and Creator, * all creation offers worship, unto the ages.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

O Logos of God, in Your hand You established the heavens. We who trust in You pray that You establish our hearts in the illumination of the true knowledge of You.

In the beginning…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

In the beginning, You O Christ, * established all of the heavens, * and You made firm the earth upon the waters, * with intelligence divine. Confirm me on the Church’s rock. * No one but You is holy, and only You are benevolent.

The heavens You established…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

The heavens You established by Your own word, * and on many waters You stabilized the earth. * Establish me as a singer * glorifying You from my heart, O Lord.

Thou hast refreshed the Children…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

Thou hast refreshed the Children with dew in the furnace, and Thou hast preserved Thy Mother as a Virgin after childbirth: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers.

Tree of the Cross…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

Tree of the Cross, you are thrice-blessed, * for Jesus Christ, who is King and Lord, was crucified on you. * Through you fallen is the one who by a tree deceived us, * for he was lured by God who in the flesh indeed * was hung and nailed to you, * and who grants to our souls His peace.

The Servants from Judea…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

Those Servants from Judea, * who of old were deported and sent to Babylon, * once treaded on the fire * of the furnace by holding * to the faith in the Trinity * and chanted: Blessed are You the God of our fathers.

Those Servants, speaking…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

Those Servants, speaking from God, in the furnace trampled * the fire and also the error * and the deception and they sang, “All you works of the Lord, praise and bless the Lord.”

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

When you conceived…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

When you conceived your Maker and Lord, * you eluded nature’s conventions, O Virgin pure; * and you became a gate to salvation for the world. * Therefore, O Theotokos, * we faithful never cease to magnify you.

N/M ()…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

My spirit rises early to You, O God, for Your commandments are the light of Your presence. With them shine upon our minds, O Master, and guide us on the path of life.

We rise at early morn…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

We rise at early morn and cry out to You, * “Save us, O Lord!” * For You only are our God; * we have no other except for You.

O Christ my God…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

O Christ my God, as You rescued * Prophet Jonah of old from the depths of the sea, * I pray You, now rescue me * from my sins, and steer the ship * of my life, as You are my benevolent Lord.

The troubles of my life…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

The troubles of my life are like storms at sea, * O Logos, and the waves are afflicting me. * I cry to You, as once did the Prophet Jonah, * to raise my life from corruption, O only Lord and compassionate God.

No one is holy…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

No one is holy like You are, O Lord, and no one is righteous like You our God. All creation extols You. No one is holy except for You, O Lord.

O divine Master Builder…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

O divine Master Builder of the celestial vault, * Founder of the Church and the ultimate object of desire, * only benevolent support of every believer, * in the love for You, O Lord, firmly establish me.

Servants, descendants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

Servants, descendants of the Hebrews, * bravely trampled down the flame within the furnace; * and they changed into dew * the fire, and they chanted: * Blessed are You, O Lord, the God * of our fathers to the ages.

God-fearing holy Servants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

God-fearing holy Servants did not worship * the image of gold of old in Babylon. * They were thrown in the furnace, * where no fiery flame, but moist * whistling wind refreshed them, as they extolled * the Lord and sang: “O God of our fathers, blessed are You.”

From the pit of sins…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

From the pit of sins I cried to the Lord, who can save me; and He lifted my life from destruction, for He is benevolent.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ii.

The rod of Aaron…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

The rod of Aaron is seen as typifying the mystery; * for it budded, and thus was the priest selected. * Now in the Church, that was barren once, the Cross of Christ, like a tree, * has blossomed forth, * as power and a firm support.

With unceasing hymns…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

With unceasing hymns of praise we glorify and magnify you, * the unwedded Mother of the Most High God; * by a word you gave birth to the true God inexplicably, * and you are higher than the immaculate angelic hosts.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

We, all generations, magnify you, the mediator between heaven and earth. Indeed, O Virgin, the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in you physically.

Moses prefigured…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Moses prefigured the Cross. * Lifting up the rod, he stretched out his hand and split the Sea for Israel to cross on land. * Then he stretched it out again, * and the sea returned and covered Pharaoh’s chariots. * The Cross was thus portrayed as our invincible armor. * So let us sing to the Lord, * Christ our God, for He is greatly glorified.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

O Savior, You are my firm support, my refuge, and my strength. When my heart is shaken, confirm it in the fear of You; for there is no one holy, like You are God.

By Your word…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

By Your word, O Lord, the heavens were established. * Now our hearts and minds, we pray You to establish, * that we may praise You, O Savior, and glorify You, * the all compassionate Redeemer and God.

Lord, You are the firm…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

Lord, You are the firm support * of those run to You faithfully. * You are the light * of those who are darkened. * And my spirit is praising You.

You are my strength…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iv.

You are my strength. * You are my power, O Christ my Lord. * God my Savior, You are my exceeding joy. You came to us, never absent from the bosom of the Father, * and You assumed human poverty. * And so I join the Prophet Habakkuk, singing: Glory * to Your strength, O benevolent Lord my God!

Held fast by many sins…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

Held fast by many sins, I fall down like the Prophet before Thy tender mercies. Accept me also in Thy love for mankind, O Lord, and save me.

Lord, You congealed…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Lord, You congealed the sea and saved Your people, keeping them dry; * and then You threw into the deep prideful Pharaoh’s chariots and army. * Then to the mountain of Your holiness You brought Your people, who shouted, * “Let us sing a song of victory * to You, our God; for in battles You are powerful and strong.”

The fire in Babylon…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

The fire in Babylon * withdrew in fear from the condescension of God. * For this reason the Servants * within the furnace as in a moist meadow danced * with feet exultant, and sang that immortal hymn, * saying, “O God of our fathers, blessed are You!”

The pure Theotokos…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

The pure Theotokos who in her womb * conceived the divine fire * without being burned, let us honor gloriously, O peoples, * magnifying her with never-silent hymns.

I pour out my supplication…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

I pour out my supplication to the Lord, * and I tell Him all about my afflictions, * and that my soul has been flooded with evils, * and that my life has come close to being in hell. * Like Prophet Jonah, I entreat, * “Raise me up from corruption, O Lord my God.”

Deliver me, I pray…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

Deliver me, I pray, from the dark night of the passions, and enable my spirit, O Christ, to seek Thee early in the morning, guided by the light of Thy commandments.

He overthrew…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Christ overthrew all of Pharaoh’s army, * and He submerged it in the Sea; * and over dry ground He led the children of Israel. * To Him, yes Christ, let us sing, * for He is glorified unto the ages.

To the Lord who crushed combatants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

To the Lord who crushed combatants * by His strong and upraised arm * for His people Israel, * and led them as they passed over the Red Sea, * let us sing, for He is our deliverer and God and greatly glorified.

The regiments…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

The regiments of the Angels all shudder * at the unoriginate King of glory. * O priest and people praise and exalt Him beyond measure, * unto all the ages.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

All ablaze…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vii.

All ablaze with a raging fire was the Chaldean furnace, * through which blew a dew-laden breeze at God’s almighty order. * The three holy Servants sang, * “You are the God of our fathers, and blessed are You.”

From the night of ignorance…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

From the night of ignorance, I am ever wandering on the highway, where my soul might be captured. I pray You guide me to the light of the knowledge of You, O Lord, and lead me on the path of Your commandments.

Before the ages begotten…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

Before the ages begotten of the Father, * the Son was later incarnate of His Mother. * Bless the Lord, priests and people; exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.

O extol Him…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

O extol Him, who on the holy mountain * showed His glory, as Lord, * and in the bush with fire * revealed to Moses knowledge of the mystery * of the Ever-Virgin, supremely exalting Him unto all the ages.

O Lord, we Your servants…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode iii.

O Lord, we Your servants pray You plant Your fear * in our hearts, and become for us * who wholeheartedly in truth invoke * Your holy name, O Savior, strength and confirmation.

O Lord, You made Prophet Jonah…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode vi.

O Lord, you made Prophet Jonah settle as a solitary in the whale. * You led him out then from corruption; * do likewise now rescue me, * for I am held in bondage in nets of the foe.

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Let us sing to Him…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode ix.

Let us sing to Him who to Moses of old prefigured * in the burning bush the childbirth of ever-virgin Mary, * for the salvation of us the believers. * Let us magnify Him with unceasing hymns.

O praise and bless Him…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode viii.

O praise and bless Him * who by the armies of Angels * is extolled as King of the heavens, * supremely exalting Him unto all the ages.

You drove out…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode v.

You drove out the abyss’s * primal darkness, O Christ God, of old, as Giver of light. * Now dispel gloomy darkness * from my soul, I entreat You, * O Word, and grant me the light * of Your commands, so that rising early, I may glorify You.

Of old when the Israelite…

Mode pl. 4.

Ode i.

Of old when the Israelite had crossed * the watery passage as if over a tract of land, * fleeing from the misery of Egypt, * he cried: “To God our Redeemer, O let us sing.”