

Mode 3.

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Unharmed were the young men…

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

Unharmed were the young men, who were champions * of belief in God, when they were thrown into the furnace * and they faced unbearable fire; and they sang a hymn to God: * “All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.”

Sinfulness encircles me…

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

Sinfulness encircles me as the lowest depth did Jonah, * and my spirit is failing me. * I cry out to You, O Master. Reach out Your exalted arm. * Pilot, rescue me, as You saved Your Apostle of old.

Sunlight once hovered…

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Sunlight once hovered over the abyssal plain that was rendered dry of old. * For the water like a wall on either side became solid, * and people walked across on dry land and sang an ode, pleasing to God, * “Sing to the Lord, who triumphed; for He is greatly glorified.”

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

The heavens were covered…

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

The heavens were covered by Your virtue, O Christ. * For coming forth from the Ark of Your holiness, Your Mother who sustained no corruption, * You appeared today in Your glorious Temple, as an infant held in arms. * And the entire creation was filled with Your praise.

In the shadow and the letter…

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

In the shadow and the letter of the Law, * we the faithful perceive the decree: * Consecrate to God every male, the first-born opening the womb. * Now the unoriginate Father’s first-born Logos and Son * is also first-born of a virgin Mother, and we magnify Him.

When the bush on Mt. Sinai…

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

When the bush on Mt. Sinai was not consumed, Moses saw it an perceived * you who carried the fire of divinity in your womb and were not burnt. * Daniel saw an uquarried mountain, and he recognized * you, whom Isaiah said were the rod of David’s root, O immaculate one.

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

Mode 3.

Ode v.

Although invisible, You were seen on earth, and although incomprehensible, you willingly dwelt among men. We rise early to you and sing Your praises, O benevolent Lord.

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

Lord, You have established…

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

Lord, You have established a mighty love of Your strength for us; * God of our deliverance, You gave Your only-begotten Son to die for us. * And now with thanksgiving we sing out and praise You: * Glory to Your strength, O Lord!

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David, through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; to guide us into the way of peace.

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

To You, the Elder…

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

To You, the Elder cried out, on seeing * with his own eyes the salvation that You prepared for all people, * “God from God are You, Christ my Savior.”

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Illuminate my humble soul…

Mode 3.

Ode v.

Illuminate my humble soul, I pray, * O Christ, with Your holy light that never sets; * and direct my paths in the fear of You, * for Your commands are a light, O Master.

Mode 3.

Ode ii.

O novel wonder…

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

O novel wonder, so befitting God! * For the Lord himself has manifestly passed through * the gate of the Virgin, which was shut. * Naked God, He entered, and He appeared wearing flesh when He exited, * the gate remaining shut notwithstanding. * We magnify her who is ineffably the Mother of God.

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

From non-existence…

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

From non-existence You brought forth all things, O God, * through the Word creating them, in the Spirit perfecting them. * Most High Ruler over all, * firmly establish me in Your love, O Master.

He who gathered the water…

Mode 3.

Ode i.

He who gathered the water into its places * of old by divine decree is the same One * who for the Israelite people parted the sea. * He is our God and Lord, and He is glorified greatly. * To Him only let us sing, for He is glorified.

You made flame a dewy breeze…

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

You made flame a dewy breeze in the furnace, * and preserved Your three Servants there uninjured. * We imitate them and sing, “Unto the ages, * O Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are You!”

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

Mode 3.

Ode v.

Isaiah had a mystical vision…

Mode 3.

Ode v.

Isaiah had a mystical vision of God * sitting on a throne lifted up, * and around Him stood the glorious Seraphim. * The Prophet cried out, “Woe is me! * With my eyes I have foreseen incarnate God; * and He is the Master of never-setting light and peace.”

N/M ()…

Mode 3.

Ode ii.

Let my words come down as raindrops on the wild grass, and as snowfall on the sown grass.

Of old You refreshed…

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

Of old You refreshed with dew the God-fearing three young men * in the Chaldean furnace’s flames. * Master, with Your Godhead’s illuminating fire, * we pray You enlighten us, * as we cry out and sing to You: * Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.

I rise early in the morning…

Mode 3.

Ode v.

I rise early in the morning, Fashioner of all, * to You, the peace that passes all understanding. * O Lord our God, Your commands and judgments * are light. I pray You, guide me by them.

Mode 3.

Ode ii.

We, O holy Virgin, perceive you…

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

We, O holy Virgin, perceive you * as the bush that did not burn, * as the Mother of the Light, and Theotokos, * and the hope of all of us, and we magnify you.

We ever magnify you.…

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

We ever magnify you, the immortal fountain, that through the saints gives cures and healings to the human race, for you save our souls.

Servants in the furnace…

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

Servants in the furnace spoke of God. * You bedewed them, O God the Logos; * and You dwelt in the womb of the immaculate, holy Virgin. We praise You * and sing to You devoutly: * Blessed are You, O Lord, the God of our fathers.

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

Barren, unfruitful soul…

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

Barren, unfruitful soul of mine, possess the glorious fruit, * and in becoming very fruitful, sing and cry out, “My heart is strengthened. * For no one is holy and no one is righteous, except for You, O Lord.”

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Marvelous in praises…

Mode 3.

Ode i.

Marvelous in praises and performing wonders, You are our God. * You dried the sea and covered the chariots of Pharao, * and You rescued the people, who were singing to You, our Savior and our God.

Mode 3.

Ode ix.

We magnify the only Theotokos. She was prefigured on Sinai to Moses the Lawgiver in the bush and the fire, as the one who would conceive unburnt the Divine Fire in her womb. We honor her with hymns, as the unquenchable lamp shining splendid light.

Mode 3.

Ode v.

Mode 3.

Ode v.

When the Prophet Habbakuk…

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

When the Prophet Habbakuk beheld the mount that was shaded, * foreseeing your immaculate womb, O Virgin pure, he prophesied, * and said that from Teman God would come, * the Holy One from Mount Paran, which means the shaded mountain.

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

Those three Servants of old would not worship the golden image and Persian deity; rather standing in the furnace they sang this hymn: “Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.”

As the firm support…

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

As the firm support of those who hope in You firmly, * O Lord and our Savior, support us, Your holy * Church You purchased * with Your most precious blood, O Christ.

Mode 3.

Ode iv.

By His dominion as God…

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

By His dominion as God, He descended * into the furnace with the pious Hebrew Servants * and was seen, as Lord of all. * Bless Him, priests; and people, exalt Him beyond measure, * unto all the ages.

Extol Him who is God…

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

Extol Him who is God, who before the ages was begotten from the unoriginate Father, and who in latter times put on flesh from the Theotokos. He is perfect man, and God from God. Extol Him and bless Him, and supremely exalt Him, unto all the ages.

To Him whom Angels…

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

To Him whom Angels in the heavens * never cease to praise and glorify as God, * heavens of heavens and the earth, * hills and mountains and the sea, * and the entire race of mankind, * sing praise to our Creator * and bless Him as our Redeemer.

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

Mode 3.

Ode iii.

Mode 3.

Ode vii.

Mode 3.

Ode viii.

The furnace in Babylon did not burn the Servants, nor did the fire of the Godhead injure the Virgin. Therefore, O believers, let us sing with the Servants: “O you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.”

The ocean of the passions…

Mode 3.

Ode vi.

The ocean of the passions is swelling, * and stormy winds are blowing against me. * O Savior, come to my aid, * and save me from corruption, O Lord, * like You once saved the Prophet from the sea beast.