

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

When You thundered…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

When You thundered on the many waters, * O Father, and to Your Son were bearing witness, * then John, who You said was the voice of one crying * in the wilderness, clearly heard Your voice. * Being filled with the Spirit who was also present, he cried aloud, * “You are the Christ, the wisdom and the power of God.”

To us was revealed…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

To us was revealed the unoriginate Begetter’s Son, * from a Virgin incarnated. He is God and Lord, * coming to those sitting in darkness to give them light, * to gather the scattered. * And therefore the all-extolled Theotokos should be magnified.

The godless decree…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

The godless decree of the unlawful tyrant * commanded the stoking of the furnace’s fiery flame. * But Christ joined His pious Servants, and He covered them * with the Spirit’s dewy breeze. * He is praised and blessed and exceedingly glorious.

Mortal tongues are unable…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

Mortal tongues are unable to befittingly praise you. * Even celestial minds are dazed extolling you, O Lady Theotokos. * Nonetheless, since you are good, accept our faith and longing. * You know that we revere you with God-inspired love. * You are the protector of Christians, and we magnify you.

Unto the Lord…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

Unto the Lord and Savior, * who led His chosen people * of Israel across the Sea * of old, and who therein submerged * all Pharaoh’s hosts and chariots, * a victory song, for He is greatly glorified.

When they had traversed…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

When they had traversed dry-shod * the sea path that was untrodden and unusual, * then chosen Israel did cry aloud: * Let us sing unto the Lord, for He is glorified.

As I am by sins encompassed…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ii.

As I am by sins encompassed, * even as Jonah the Prophet * was encircled by the lowest depth, * I pray You, as he did, O Lord my God: * Raise my life from corruption.

Peoples, now come…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

Peoples, now come * and let us sing a song to Christ our God, * who by His prophet split the sea and through it led across * His people and possession, out of Egyptian bondage, * for He was glorified.

Now that we are washed…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

Now that we are washed of the dark and dirty * Enemy’s venom by the Spirit’s cleansing, * Let us take the new unerring path that leads us * Into happiness, which is unattainable except for those whom * God through Christ has reconciled to himself.

The Lord who impeded…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

The Lord, who impeded the flames of the furnace * Holding the godly Young Men, has completely * Enkindled the dragons’ heads in the Jordan * River and has washed away the stubborn stain of sin * In the water by the dew of the Spirit.

Fed with unending fuel…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Fed with unending fuel, the fire * that wearied not shuddered at the spotless bodies, * adorned as were the souls, * of the pious Servants and yielded to them. * When the ever-living flame had shrunken away, * they sang the hymn that henceforth was immortalized: * O bless the Lord, all you His works, and sing a hymn to Him, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.

The image of gold…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

The image of gold * was in Babylon on Dura being worshiped. * But Your three Servants showed complete disdain * for that abominable decree. * Thrown into the fiery furnace, * in the midst of it they were bedewed, * singing: Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.

I have heard the report…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

I have heard the report, O Lord, * of your eternal plan for our salvation, * and I glorified You, the only Friend of man.

Overjoyed is creation…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Overjoyed is creation, for it was liberated. * Those who once lay in darkness now are sons of light. * Rightly is the wretched prince of darkness groaning. * And as for us all, the formerly wretched * Nations, let us earnestly bless Him who caused this.

You came, O Lord…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

You came, O Lord, * not an elder nor angel, but You yourself, * God incarnate, being born of a pure Virgin, thus saving me * and all of humanity. * Therefore I sing to You: * Glory to Your strength, O Lord!

You have magnified…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

You have magnified, O Christ, * the Theotokos who bore You. * From her You donned a body * susceptible to passion like ours, O Maker; * it delivers us from the ignorance of our offenses. * All our generations call her blessed, and we magnify You.

Like a deep sea, my sins…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

Like a deep sea, my sins have encircled me. * I invoke the deep sea of Your ineffable * and unfathomable tender love. * Raise me up from corruption, O Lord my God.

You strengthened me…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

You strengthened me on the rock of faith, O Savior. * You made me smile at my enemies and deride them. * My spirit is rejoicing, as I am singing, * “No one is holy like our God, * and no one is righteous but You, O Lord.”

O Lord, Your Mother…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

O Lord, Your Mother was prefigured * within the furnace of the three Servants in Babylon of old. * For the type delivered them from being consumed * by fire when they entered it. * Now the Virgin was manifested * to the whole wide world through You; and today * we extol and highly exalt her to the ages.

Long ago the overwhelming Force…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

Long ago the overwhelming Force * utterly destroyed the chariots and army of Pharaoh within the Sea. * Now the Logos put on flesh * and He wiped out malignant sin and its burdens all. * He is Lord, forever glorious, and He is greatly glorified.

The gentile church…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

The gentile church was formerly like the barren wilderness; * and then it blossomed as the rose * and the lily, when You appeared on earth. * My heart is established in Your Advent, O Lord.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

As he is the voice…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

As he is the voice and the lamp of the divine light, * the morning star before the Sun, the Forerunner John * now in the wilderness cries out to all, “Repent; prepare and cleanse yourselves. * Behold, among us is the Christ, who redeems the world from the pit of death.”

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

You have contained within your womb * God whom nothing can contain; * to the joy of the world you have given birth. * We sing praises to you, all-holy Virgin.

Lady, from your virginal belly…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

Lady, from your virginal belly * you ineffably embodied God, * the luminary who arose before the sun, * and the One who came down to us * and dwelt among us bodily. * O blessed and all-holy one, * you, O Theotokos, do we magnify.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ii.

It is Jesus, the Author of life…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

It is Jesus, the Author of life, * who has come rescinding the penalty on first-created Adam. * Being God, and having no need to be purified, * He is purified for fallen Adam in the Jordan. * He put to death the enmity, and He grants to us the peace surpassing all understanding.

Unto Him whom He produced…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

Unto Him, whom He produced from the womb, * Resounded the all-blessed voice of the Father, * Naming Him beloved, “This is My connatural * Son and My reflection, now born of mankind, * Both My living Logos and by providence human.

Those thrice-blessed Young Men…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Those thrice-blessed Young Men * demonstrated their disdain for the golden image, * for they had seen the living Image of God that is exact and unaltered. * Standing in the furnace they sang aloud, * “Everything the Lord has created with substance, extol and bless Him; * exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.”

Indeed, He gives strength…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

In strength giving strength to those who govern us, He is the Lord, * exalting the horn of His anointed. * And He was from the Virgin born; and now He goes to baptism. * O faithful, let us cry aloud and say that there is no one holy like our God, * and no one is righteous except for You, O Lord.

Heeding the divine decree…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Heeding the divine decree, the fiery furnace * of old in Babylon distributed its actions and energy; * for it burned up the Chaldean men, * but it refreshed the faithful young men who sang, * saying, “Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. Sing a hymn to Him.”

O Christ our God…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

O Christ our God, * You are the mediator between God and men. * For through You, O Lord, we have access to Your Father, the Author of Light, * in the Spirit, as Paul said, out of the night of ignorance.

Of old, the furnace in Babylon…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Of old, the furnace in Babylon portended paradoxical mysteries, when dew was exuded; * for the River Jordan would admit the immaterial fire when its Maker, who became incarnate, was baptized in its waters. * All peoples bless Him as Lord, and exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.

Young and pious men…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

Young and pious men were thrown into the furnace of blazing fire. * The Angel of the Lord came down to them and drove out the fiery flame * and moist whistling wind preserved them free of harm. * Being thus refreshed in the flames, they gave glory, singing in gratitude, * “O supremely praised and most exalted Lord and God of our fathers, You are blessed.”

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

You dispelled the misty shadow…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

You dispelled the misty shadow of prophetic enigmas, * and You illumined the hearts of the believers * by their true fulfillment in the all-holy Theotokos. * We entreat You to guide us, O Christ, by Your holy light.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

No one can comprehend…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

No one can comprehend the wonders of your childbirth. * Granted comprehensive salvation through you, O Lady, * Ever-virgin Bride and blessed Mother, * To you we bring a gift, striking up this worthy * Hymn of gratitude towards you, our Benefactress.

Lord, the provider of light…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

Lord, the provider of light, * and the Creator of the ages, we pray * that You will guide us in the light of Your all-holy commands. * Except for You, we do not know any other God.

You are desire entirely…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

You are desire entirely, all sweetness are You, O Logos of God, the Virgin’s Son, O God of gods, Lord of all, more holy than the holy ones. * We therefore maginfy You and the Maiden who gave birth to You.

You who have been delivered…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

You who have been delivered from the age-old * Snares of voracious lions whose teeth have been broken, * Greatly rejoice now, O logophiles, and let us open * Our mouths in melodic poems to the Logos * Of God, who delights in the gifts that He gave us.

The Prophet Jonah cried…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

The Prophet Jonah cried to the Lord from the sea creature, * “I pray You, Lord my God, from the depth of Hades raise me up, * that with a voice of praise, I may sacrifice to You * in a spirit of truth, O Deliverer.”

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ii.

N/M ()…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ii.

Take heed, O my people, to my law. Incline your ears to the words of my mouth, for I invoke the Lord’s name.

With souls that are pure…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

With souls that are pure, let us open unpolluted lips, * and come, let us magnify the all-immaculate * and most pure, all-holy Mother of Emmanuel, * as through her we offer up * intercession to Him, the Son she bore. * “Spare our souls, O Christ our God, and save us, we pray.”

Utterly purged…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

Utterly purged by the fire of mystical * Revelations, the Prophet, moved by the Spirit, * Extolled humanity’s regeneration, * Signaling the incarnation of the ineffable Logos, * Praising Him who crushed the power of rulers.

When the decree…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

When the decree of the tyrant prevailed of old, * the fiery furnace was heated to sevenfold strength. * The three Servants did not burn therein, * when they defied the king’s pronouncement; * but they cried out and sang, “All you works of the Lord, sing a hymn to the Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.”

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

Those Servants of old proved to be most wise orators, for with their lips they uttered theology from a God-inspired soul, and they sang: Blessed are You, the super-divine God of us and of our Fathers.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

Barren has my mind…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

Barren has my mind become. * Make me fruitful, O my God, in Your compassion, * as the Husbandman of good, * and the gardener of all * that is virtuous.

Establish us in You…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

Establish us in You, Lord, we pray to You, * who mortified sin by Your crucifixion, * and implant in us the fear of You * within the hearts of Your servants who sing Your praise.

The people of Israel…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

The people of Israel walked on the Red Sea, * Once it was rendered again into dry land. * Dark waters, like a liquid tomb, then covered * All the chariots and riders of the Egyptians, * Yielding to the might of the right hand of the Master.

You established…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

You established the heavens by Your divine word, almighty God. * Now I pray You also establish my heart in the faith, O Lord.

The Servants in the furnace…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

The Servants in the furnace fire * danced as they imitated * the Cherubim, and cried out: * Blessed are You, O Lord our God, * for You have caused all this to befall us and Your holy city, in truth and in judgment, on account of our sins. * You are supremely extolled and You are glorified, unto all the ages.

I implore You to scatter…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

I implore You to scatter the mist on my soul, O Savior, * and illuminate me with the light of Your divine commandments, * as the only King of peace.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

When he foresaw…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

When he foresaw Your nativity * from the Virgin, the Prophet * crying out of old proclaimed: * I have heard Your report and I have become frightened; * for You have come to us * out of Teman and from the overshadowed * holy mountain, O my Christ.

O my soul, taking up…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

O my soul, taking up the ode of Moses, cry aloud and say: * He became for me a helper and shelter unto salvation. * He is my God and I will glorify Him.

O undefiled Theotokos…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

O undefiled Theotokos, your virginity * was not consumed by the fire of Divinity. * So we magnify you with unceasing hymns.

You conceived within your womb…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

You conceived within your womb extraordinarily * the Logos who outside time came forth from God the Father. * We faithful magnify you with our never silent hymns.

With the night being over…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode v.

With the night being over, * day has arrived, O Master, and the light has shone forth upon the world. * For this reason the orders * of Angels extol You, * and they glorify You, O Christ our God.

You strengthened me…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

You strengthened me on the rock of faith, O Savior. * You made me smile at my enemies and deride them. * My spirit is rejoicing, as I am singing, * “No one is holy like our God, * and no one is righteous but You, O Lord.”

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

The three righteous Servants did not obey * the impious decree of the tyrant. * And they were cast into the furnace’s fire, * where they stood confessing God, * and they sang, “Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.”

Let us sing to the Lord…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

Let us sing to the Lord, who dried up the impassable * surging waters of the Sea by His divine command, * and who also led the way * for the chosen people of Israel to cross on foot. * Come let us sing to Him, for He is greatly glorified.

With ineffable wisdom…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

With ineffable wisdom * God the Logos constructed all creation * from nonexistence He brought the universe into being. * All you works of the Lord, bless Him as your Lord, * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.

Being from God…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

Being from God, God the Logos * with ineffable wisdom * came to make Adam new who fell through food * into corruption unhappily. * From an all-holy Virgin * ineffably He took on flesh for us. * We the faithful extol Him concordantly and magnify.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

When God went down…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

When God went down into the fire * of the furnace with the holy Hebrew Servants, * He converted the flames there into dew refreshing them. * Extol Him as Lord, O you works of His, * and exalt Him beyond measure, * unto all the ages.

Within the bush…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Within the bush once, the Lord * on Mount Sinai prefigured * unto Moses the virgin Maiden’s miracle of old.* Extol Him as you bless Him, * and exalt supremely, * unto all the ages.

Among the earthborn…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode ix.

Among the earthborn who has ever heard or beheld a marvel such as this? * Namely, a Virgin was found to have conceived in the womb, * and she delivered the infant without a birth-pang. * Your miracle was so great! * We magnify you, Virgin Mary, for you indeed gave birth to God.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode viii.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iii.

The burning bush…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vii.

The burning bush that was not consumed * and the Chaldean furnace that emitted due * indeed prefigured you, O Bride of God. * You accepted in your womb, which was material, divine * immaterial fire * without being burnt. So to your Son we cry * and say, “O God of our Fathers, You are blessed.”

The gulf of my transgressions…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode vi.

The gulf of my transgressions, O Savior, presses me, * and in the ocean of life I am foundering. * As once You extracted Jonah from the whale, * so now from the passions haul me up, * and bring me to safety.

Behold, how the Lord…

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode i.

Behold, how the Lord, mighty in battle, * uncovered the bottom of the Red Sea, * and He led His people over it on dry ground, * and in it covered and drowned the enemies, for He is glorified.

Sauti 2.

Mode 2.

Ode iv.

I extol You, for I hear Your report, Lord, and I was amazed. For You have come down to me, seeking me the lost sheep. Therefore I glorify Your great condescension towards me, O very merciful Lord.