

Mode 1.

This is it…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

This is it, the Day which is chosen and holy, * Day One of the Sabbaths. * It is the queen-day, the Lord’s Day, * and the Feast of all feasts, * and the Festival above every festival, * on which we extol Christ and bless Him to the ages.

Briny and born…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

Briny and born of the deep, * the fire in the maw of the whale * was a prefiguring of Your three-daylong burial; * and of this figure was Jonah the interpreter. * For, preserved unscathed as before he was swallowed up, he cried out: * I shall sacrifice to You with a voice of praise, O Lord.

Resurrection Day…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Resurrection Day! O peoples, let us brilliantly shine! * Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha! * For Christ our God has out of death * passed us over into life, * and likewise from earth * to heaven, as we now sing * unto Him a triumphal hymn.

Mode 1.

Ode v.

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

All people, sing to the Lord…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

All people, sing to the Lord – * who from their bitter bondage * to the Pharaoh freed the people of Israel * and led them through the Red Sea * and kept their feet from being splashed by it – * a victory song, for He is greatly glorified.

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Daniel, who is known…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Daniel, who is known as one great among the Prophets, * was cast into the lions’ den and was preserved from being eaten; * for he stretched out his hands in the form of a cross and was kept unharmed, * as he was blessing Christ our God unto the ages.

Christ is born…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Christ is born; glorify Him! * Christ is come from heaven; go and meet Him. * Christ is on earth; arise to Him. * Sing to the Lord, all you who dwell on the earth; * and in merry spirits, O you peoples, praise His birth. * For He is glorified.

Come and let us drink…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Come and let us drink a new drink, * not one marvelously issuing from a barren rock, * but one that Christ from the tomb * pours out, incorruption’s very source. * For we are established in Him.

The sound of the music…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

The sound of the music called the peoples to worship the golden image of old. * The Servants, scions of David, sang * a song of Zion in defiance of the despicable decree of the tyrant, * and the flame in the furnace became for them dewy, as they sang the hymn, * “Exalted beyond measure are You, O God of our fathers. Blessed are You, our God!”

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Would that You come…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

Would that You come, O Christ, to us who once were darkened * by the night of works of error, but who offer * hymns to You wakefully now, O Benefactor. * Grant us forgiveness, and make easy the pathway. * Ascending this path may we also find glory.


Mode 1.

Ode v.

Rising early in the morning, we extol You, O Christ our God, who for us became poor, and endured the Cross and death in the flesh.

The lowest depth encircles us…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

The lowest depth encircles us, like Jonah said, * and there is no deliverer. * We are counted as sheep for slaughter, O Lord. * Save Your people, for You are our only God. * You are our strength, and You restore us, the weak and broken down.

Three young men of Israel…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Three young men of Israel were thrown * into the blazing furnace, * as if they were being smelted. * Shining brighter than pure gold with beauty of piety, * they sang, “Bless the Lord, all you works; to the Lord sing a hymn * and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.”

When you, Prophet Habbakuk…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

When you, Prophet Habbakuk, inspired had foreseen * the incarnation of the Word, you shouted and declared, * “In the approaching years You shall be acknowledged; * You will be revealed when the time comes. * Glory to Your strength, O Lord.”

Mode 1.

Ode i.

O mighty Lord…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

O mighty Lord, when the sun beheld You hanging on the Cross, * that great luminary shuddered, * retracted and hid its rays; and all creation fearfully * sang a hymn extolling Your forbearance. * Indeed the earth has been filled with Your praise, O God.

Now let Habakkuk…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Now let Habakkuk as a God-inspired prophet stand with us, * keeping his divine watch, and show us * the angelic messenger, who, shining, utters glowingly, * “Today, for the world is salvation,* because arisen is Christ, being omnipotent.”

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Working signs of old…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Working signs of old the Master saved the people, * replacing fluid waves of the sea with dry land. * Now born of a Maid by His own will, He has made * passable a way to heaven. Him, in essence * equal to mankind and the Father, we glorify.

Unto the Servants…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Unto the Servants in the furnace, * God’s almighty Angel showed a flame * burning the impious, but the saints * cooling as with dew. * Into a life-welling fountain He has made the Theotokos, * gushing destruction upon death, but life to those who sing the hymn: * We who have been redeemed chant in praise of the only Creator, * exalting Him supremely unto all the ages.

The same One…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

The same One who saved those Servants from the furnace fire * has become incarnate now. * He has come to earth. * He was nailed upon the Cross. * He has granted salvation to us. * He alone is the God of our fathers, blessed and exceedingly glorious.

Arise, shine…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Arise, shine! Arise, shine, O new Jerusalem! Shine! * For the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. * Zion, exult and be glad now. * O pure Mother of God, rejoice, celebrating * the resurrection of Christ your Son!

Prophet Habakkuk…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Prophet Habakkuk in his ode was foretelling * mankind’s remaking, when of old he was granted * to see its type in a manner past expression: * From the Virgin mountain as a newborn infant * the Logos emerged, to refashion the peoples.

O Wisdom of our God…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

O Wisdom of our God and His Power that has created * and is sustaining the universe, * reinforce Your Church, O Christ, * preserving her unshaken and unmoved. * For You alone are holy, * O Lord, and You repose in Your holy ones.

O Savior, as the furnace…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

O Savior, as the furnace was cooled with due, * the Servants who were in it sang praise to You, “O Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are You!”

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Mode 1.

Ode ii.


Mode 1.

Ode vii.

Counterposed against audacious ire * and the furnace’s fire, the love for God * made the fire cool as dew, * while the ire it derided, * counteracting in the midst * of flames the musical organs with the three-toned, rational, * God-inspired lyre, * the three holy Servants chanting: Lord our God, * You are glorified, O God * of our fathers, You are blessed.

Mode 1.

Ode v.

O almighty One…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

O almighty One, I understood Your plan for our salvation, * O Savior, and I glorified You with fear.

You went down…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

You went down to the nether regions of earth, * and You broke apart the bars that forever * were closed on those who were held there, O Christ. * From the sepulcher, * as did Jonah from the whale, * You arose on the third day.

As the Psalmist said…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

As the Psalmist said, the stone that the builders had rejected * has itself become now the head of the corner. * And furthermore the same is the rock on which Christ our God * firmly established His own Church, * which from the Gentiles He redeemed for himself.

God-inspired Habakkuk…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

God-inspired Habakkuk of old foresaw a great mystery, * namely Your plan for our salvation, and he cried out to You, O Christ, * “You went forth for the salvation of Your people, O benevolent Lord.”

Standing in fire…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Standing in fire without burning, the young men * did of old portray thus the womb of the Maiden. * Remaining sealed, supernaturally it gave birth. * Grace with a single miracle-working power * did both, and rouses all the peoples to sing praise.

I see here a strange…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

I see here a strange and paradoxical mystery. * For, behold, the grotto is heaven; * cherubic throne is the Virgin; * the manger a grand space * in which Christ our God the uncontainable reclined as a babe; * Whom in extolling do we magnify.

Jonah, as he sat…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

Jonah, as he sat in the sea’s deepest caverns, * implored to come to You and out of the tempest. * But as for me, by the tyrant’s arrows wounded, * I pray You, O Christ, the Destroyer of evil, * come to me quicker than my soul’s own indifference.

Hearken, Benefactor…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Hearken, Benefactor, to the hymns of Your servants, * and humble the arrogant contempt of the foe. * Carry us Your musicians, all-seeing Master, * high above all sin, immovably established * firmly on the Faith’s foundation, O Blessed One.

In you the laws of nature…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

In you the laws of nature are defeated,* O undefiled Virgin pure. * In virginity childbirth was accomplished, and death introduces life. * You, after bearing, are virgin, and after dying are living. * Mother of God, * ever save your inheritance.


Mode 1.

Ode v.

O Savior, night and the fog of sin have surrounded me. Therefore I pray You, let the morning of repentance rise on me, O compassionate Lord, before I reach the indefinite end of my life, O Christ, the Life and the Light.

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

When You appeared…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

When You appeared in the burning bush to the law-giver Moses, * You prefigured there the childbirth of the Ever-Virgin. * Blessed are You, O Lord, the God of our fathers.

By the brightness of Your coming…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

By the brightness of Your coming You enlightened the world, O Christ, * by the power of Your Cross you illumined the ends thereof. * With the light of knowing You as God enlighten now the hearts of * those who extol You with Orthodox faith.

As You are the only One…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

As You are the only One who knows * our mortal nature’s frailty and with compassion assumed the form thereof, * O Savior, gird me with the power from on high, * to cry out that Holy is the animate temple * of Your ineffable glory, benevolent Lord.

The same One…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

The same One who delivered the Lads from fire, becoming a mortal man, * suffers in the flesh; and by His Passion He arrays * mortal nature with majesty, free of all * corruption, the only God of the fathers, * blessed and supremely glorious.

That most godly prophet…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

That most godly prophet Moses prefigured Your Cross * in the Red Sea of old, O Savior. * For he divided the water with the rod in his hand, * and led Israel across, * and sang You a sacred ode of exodus, O Christ our God.

O all-blessed Father…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

O all-blessed Father, you reverently swam up into the ocean of divine incomprehensibility on high, and you supported your mind on the divine Trinity, as on an incomprehensible rock. Therefore we magnify you.

An anthem of victory…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

An anthem of victory let us all sing now * to God as the One who wrought * wondrous and portentous signs * by His exalted arm, * and who saved Israel of old. For He is glorified.

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

The Servants nurtured…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

The Servants nurtured piously together, * with contempt regarding the impious king’s decree, * intrepidly faced the threat of holocaust, * and while standing in the midst of flames they chanted thus, * saying: O God of the fathers, You are blessed.

O true Theotokos…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

O true Theotokos and virgin Mother, you conceived * without seed, and you gave birth to the Savior, Christ our God, * who in the flesh was lifted on the Cross. * All we, the faithful, worthily now praise you * and magnify you along with Him.

To Him, the Creator…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

To Him, the Creator and the Lord, at whom all hosts * and armies of Angels shudder, sing a hymn of praise, * you priests, and you Servants, glorify Him and bless, * and exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.

Habakkuk the Prophet once perceived…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Habakkuk the Prophet once perceived with foreseeing eyes, * that you would be the mountain overshadowed by the grace of God. * O Virgin, he prophesied that the Holy One of Israel would come from you, * for our salvation and for our refashioning.

Arising at dawn…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

Arising at dawn very early, * instead of ointment, a hymn let us offer unto the Master, * and then we shall clearly see* Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, * causing true life to arise for all.

We rise early…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

We rise early and we extol You, * for through Your Cross we found peace that passes all understanding. * Through it You, the Savior of the world, renewed the human race, * leading us to the unsetting light.

Adorned with glory…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Adorned with glory divine, O Virgin, * is your most sacred and illustrious memorial, * gathering the faithful all together joyfully to sing * in processions led by Mariam, with timbrels and dancing, * to your Only-begotten Son. * For He has been greatly glorified.

Mode 1.

Ode ii.

Jesse’s root…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Jesse’s root produced a branch, O Christ, * and You its flower blossomed forth, * from the Virgin who by Habakkuk prophetically once was called * overshadowed, dense mountain. * From her who knew not man You came incarnate, * the immaterial God. * Glory to Your strength, O Lord.

Sayings of the Prophets…

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Sayings of the Prophets and mysteries * revealed Your incarnation from a Virgin mystically, O Christ: * that Your lightning’s brightness as light for Gentiles would emanate. * The abyss calls out to You with a voice of gladness: * To Your strength be glory, benevolent Lord!

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

We who believe know you…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

We who believe know you as the spiritual * furnace, O Mother of our God. * For your highly exalted Son, who once saved those servants three, * in your womb refashioned me and humanity entirely. * He is the God of our fathers, supremely praised and glorious.

Mother of our God, we praise you…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Mother of our God, we praise you * as the brightly shining lamp, * the illustrious glory * of all creation, of which you are the highest. * With sacred hymns we magnify you.


Mode 1.

Ode ix.

O Virgin Theotokos, you are the gate that the Prophet Ezekiel saw and through which no one went except God alone. We honor you with hymns.

Glorified in strength…

Mode 1.

Ode i.

Glorified in strength, as divine, * was Your victorious right hand, immortal Lord; * for, being all-powerful, it dashed and shattered the pursuing enemy, * opening a new way across the sea for the Israelites.

Such as it received…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

Such as it received * Jonah as an embryo, the sea beast disgorged him from its bowels intact. * With the Virgin, though, when the Logos had dwelt in her taking on flesh, * He came forth from her preserving her yet incorrupt. * For from her no fluxion suffered He, * and He kept her unaltered in childbirth.

Become my stable support…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Become my stable support, * O Lord who established the earth of old on the waters, * for no one is holy except for You.

O Christ, set me firmly…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

O Christ, set me firmly on the rock of the Faith, by the power of Your all-holy Cross, * so that my mind will not move when tempted by the enemy’s assaults. * Only You are holy, O Lord.

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Establish me, O my Christ…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Establish me, O my Christ, * on the unshakable rock of Your commandments, * and with the light of Your face, Lord, illumine me. * No one is holy but You who are benevolent.

Firmly established be my heart…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

Firmly established be my heart, O Christ, * in Your holy will, O my Lord and God. * Heaven of heaven was made firm * over waters by You, O Word. * You established on the waters * the earth, O Almighty One.

Easier for us…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Easier for us is from fear to love silence, * free of any peril as it is, O Virgin; * whereas to weave stirring hymns out of longing * in earnest, is difficult. Therefore, O Mother, * give us strength to match our volition, we pray you.

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

Mode 1.

Ode iv.

Babylon’s bedewing furnace…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Babylon’s bedewing furnace bore the image * of an extraordinary wonder. * For it did not burn the youths it accepted, * nor did the fire of Divinity consume the Virgin’s womb wherein it went. * So let us melodiously chant in praise: * Let all creation bless and extol the Lord, * and let it exalt Him supremely to the ages.

God of peace…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

God of peace and Father of mercies, Your Son * You have sent unto us as Your messenger, * the Angel of great counsel who is granting peace. * Therefore having been guided to the light of godly knowledge, * waking from the night to dawn, we sing Your glory, O benevolent Lord.

The cloud that radiates…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

The cloud that radiates brightly * and into which, as the rain fell * upon the fleece, the Lord of all * from the heavens descended * and was incarnated for us * becoming a man, though Unoriginate, * the immaculate Mother * of our God do we all magnify in song.

O Son and Word of God…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

O Son and Word of God, we pray You grant us Your peace, * for You render everything to us, O Lord our God. * We know no other God; we name Your name. * For You are the God of the dead and of the living.

A spring, abundantly flowing…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

A spring, abundantly flowing, that hosted life, * a golden lamp-stand that bore the unwaning Light, * living Temple, and all pure * tabernacle symbolize * the Theotokos, who is said to be wider * than earth and heaven. With hymns let us honor her.

Let Your radiant…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

Let Your radiant and unapproachable * light rise like dawn on us, * who rise early in the morning to observe * the judgments of Your commandment, * O benevolent Lord and Master, Christ our God.

As the three young men…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

As the three young men were ensnared by the longing * for the King of all, hence they disdained the tyrant’s * impious chatter, though he was very angry. * The infinite fire yielded to them, who uttered, * Blessed are You, O Master, unto the ages.

To the Son…

Mode 1.

Ode iii.

To the Son, begotten * without flux, of the Father, before the ages, * and who was lately made incarnate * of the Virgin without seed; * to Christ God now let us cry aloud: * You have exalted the horn of our strength. Only You are holy, O Lord.

O Christ, I shall tell…

Mode 1.

Ode v.

O Christ, I shall tell of Your virtues * and of their beauty, divine and ineffable: * As coeternal and hypostatic radiance * you shone from glory eternal; and coming forth * incarnate from the Virgin’s womb, * You have risen as a Sun * on those in darkness and in the shadow of death.

Mode 1.

Ode i.

To God who helped Moses in Egypt, and through him drowned Pharaoh with his entire army, let us sing a song of victory, for He is glorified.

Let us extol the Lord…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Let us extol the Lord, who went down to the Servants * inside the fiery furnace, * in the form of an Angel, and guarded them from the flames; and let us sing to Him * and exalt Him beyond measure, unto all the ages.

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

As You rescued the Prophet…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

As You rescued the Prophet from the belly of the whale of old, * I pray bring me up from the sea of my sins, O benevolent Lord.

Imitating the inspired Prophet…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

Imitating the inspired Prophet Jonah in the whale, * I cry out to You, O Lord, * “From destruction free my life * and save me, I pray * to You, O Savior of the world. Glory to You!”

In the furnace He preserved…

Mode 1.

Ode viii.

In the furnace He preserved those Servants * who sang a hymn to extol Him. * He made the roaring furnace like moist whistling wind blowing through it. * Sing praises to Christ our God, and exalt Him beyond measure unto all the ages.

When Jonah was in…

Mode 1.

Ode vi.

When Jonah was in the belly of the whale, * he extended his arms and thus foreshadowed the figure of Your holy Cross, O Lord. * Then he bounded forth * from the monster, being saved by Your power, O Logos.

O Lord and Savior…

Mode 1.

Ode vii.

O Lord and Savior, fire did not harm, * nor touch at all, * Your Servants in the furnace of old. * Those three young men then shouted in unison, * blessing and extolling God, and sang, * “God of our fathers, unto the ages, blessed are You!”

Burning, yet remaining…

Mode 1.

Ode ix.

Burning, yet remaining unconsumed, * the bush revealed a type of your virgin childbirth. * And now we entreat that you extinguish the wild fire * of temptations, for it is engulfing us, * all-holy Theotokos, * and we will magnify you ceaselessly.


Mode 1.

Ode viii.

We offer You a hymn of the Bodiless hosts, as did the Servants in the furnace. And we extol You and say: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.

Mode 1.

Ode vii.