
Automela of Mode 1

Automela of Mode 1

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

In heaven be amazed…

In heaven be amazed by the wonder, O Angels; * with voices cry aloud a divine hymn, O mortals,* beholding the ineffable condescension of God to us.* For now Symeon holds in his aged embraces * Him before whom stand the hosts of heaven and tremble,* the only benevolent Lord.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

Nefelin Se Fotos…

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

Marvel at the wondrous paradox…

Marvel at the wondrous paradox! * Now the fount of our life has been laid within a tomb; * her tomb has become a ladder to heaven above. * Gethsemane, holy place, * the Theotokos reposed in you. Celebrate! * Believers, together sing, * having the Archangel Gabriel leading us. * “We salute you, Lady full of grace: O rejoice! For the Lord * is with you and is granting to the world great mercy through you.”

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

When You come down…

When You come down to the earth, O God, in Your glory, all things will cower tremulous, and a river of fire will draw before Your Judgment Seat; the books shall be opened up, and public knowledge will things hidden be. Rescue me, then, I pray, from unquenchable fire, and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O You, the most righteous Judge.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

O Martyrs, extolled…

O Martyrs, extolled in all the world, * you were not concealed by earth, * but rather heaven admitted you. The gates of Paradise * unto you were opened. * Having gone within, you now * enjoy the tree of life, and you intercede with Christ on our behalf, * supplicating that surpassing peace * and great mercy * be upon our souls bestowed.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

As a citizen of the desert…

As a citizen of the desert and an angel incarnate * and a wonder-worker you shone forth, O [name] our God-bearing father. * Since you received the spiritual gifts * by fasting and vigilance and prayer, * you can cure those who are ailing and heal the souls * of those who run to you with faith. * Glory to Him who gave His might to you; * glory to Him who placed a crown on you; * glory to Him who operates through you, providing cures to all.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

For all the powers of heaven…

For all the powers of heaven you are exultant joy. * For us on earth, O Lady, you are mighty protection. * Pure and holy Virgin, save us, we pray, * when for refuge we come to you. * O Theotokos, for second only to God, * it is you in whom we set our hopes.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

The soldiers who were guarding…

The soldiers who were guarding Your tomb became like dead men, * O Savior, when Your Angel appeared there like lightning * and said to the women that You had risen, as You had said. * We now worship You, our only God, and extol You, * for You conquered death and dissolution, O Master, * and rose from the sepulcher.

Sauti 1

Automelon. Mode 1.

The stone having been sealed…

The stone having been sealed by the Pharisees and chief priests, * and Your all-immaculate body being guarded by soldiers, * You rose on the third day, O Lord and Savior, granting life unto the world. * Then the powers of the heavens cried out to You, O Giver of Life, and shouted, * “Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ! * Glory to Your eternal rule! * Glory to Your plan for saving us, only benevolent God!”